Open a-ndrewang opened 3 months ago
With extra logging configs, if helpful:
174330|0x1b5844: Calling memcpy(0xE2D2E0F4CD30, 0xB1E643A0, 0x98, ...) => return 0xE2D2E0F4CD30
174330|0x7fff04170335: Calling __tls_get_addr(0x7FFF045AEEC0, 0xB1F01490, 0xB1F16240, ...) => return 0x747795A8
174330|0x7fff042406bf: Calling pthread_mutex_lock(0x7FFF045B7588, 0x600D2D80, 0xB1F16240, ...) => return 0x0
174330|0x7fff0424073a: Calling pthread_mutex_unlock(0x7FFF045B7588, 0x8, 0xFFFFFFFF, ...) => return 0x0
174330|0x7fff04256e04: Calling pthread_getspecific(0x3D, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, ...) => return 0x7485C170
174330|0x7fff042403c7: Calling pthread_mutex_lock(0x7FFF045B7588, 0xE2D2E0F4CBE8, 0xFFFFFFFF, ...) => return 0x0
174330|0x7fff04240431: Calling pthread_mutex_unlock(0x7FFF045B7588, 0xE2D223F038E0, 0xFFFFFFFF, ...) => return 0x0
174330|0x7fff04256e04: Calling pthread_getspecific(0x3D, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, ...) => return 0x7485C170
174330|0x7fff041123be: Calling __tls_get_addr(0x7FFF045AEEC0, 0xB1F16240, 0xB1F01490, ...) => return 0x747795A8
174330|0x7fff04170335: Calling __tls_get_addr(0x7FFF045AEEC0, 0x52B9B4, 0x7B31F680, ...) => return 0x747795A8
174330|0x7fff04170335: Calling __tls_get_addr(0x7FFF045AEEC0, 0x161169FF, 0x0, ...) => return 0x747795A8
174330|0x7fff040417ac: Calling pthread_mutex_lock(0x600D2E60, 0x7B36AAC8, 0x0, ...) => return 0x0
174330|0x7fff0404184a: Calling pthread_mutex_unlock(0x600D2E60, 0x7B36AAC8, 0xF48, ...) => return 0x0
174330|0x7fff0420339b: Calling __tls_get_addr(0x7FFF045AEEC0, 0x4DD910, 0x0, ...) => return 0x747795A8
174330|0x7fff0425b095: Calling pthread_getspecific(0x3D, 0xB1F01490, 0xB1F01490, ...) => return 0x7485C170
174330|0x7fff0425b095: Calling pthread_getspecific(0x3D, 0x2, 0x0, ...) => return 0x7485C170
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x34a22684]
NativeBT: [0xe2d2e12199d0]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x35020aa8]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x349f8ba8]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer(my___libc_start_main+0x250) [0x34a0e6b0]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x34a57cb0]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x34a096dc]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x3501dbcc]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x349f37ec]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer() [0x349ee1fc]
NativeBT: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0xe2d2e10573fc]
NativeBT: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0xe2d2e10574cc]
NativeBT: ./CoreKeeperServer(_start+0x30) [0x349ee270]
EmulatedBT: /home/ubuntu/corekeeper/CoreKeeperServer_Data/Plugins/, Unity.Entities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.GetSingletonChunkAnd
174330|SIGSEGV @0x35020aa8 (???(./CoreKeeperServer+0x820aa8)) (x64pc=0x7fff0d9bd4f7//home/ubuntu/corekeeper/CoreKeeperServer_Data/Plugins/"???", rsp=0xe2d2e0f4cb60, stack=0xe2d2e0750000:0xe2d2e0f50000 own=(nil) fp=0xe2d2e0f4cc10), for accessing 0x20 (code=1/prot=0), db=(nil)((nil):(nil)/(nil):(nil)/???:clean, hash:0/0) handler=0x7fff14030450
RAX:0x0000000000000000 RCX:0x00000000b2412e40 RDX:0x0000e2d2e0f4cc28 RBX:0x00000000b1ef1c70
RSP:0x0000e2d2e0f4cb60 RBP:0x0000e2d2e0f4cc10 RSI:0x0000e2d2e0f4cc30 RDI:0x00000000b1f69b00
R8:0x0000e2d2e0f4cc28 R9:0x0000000000000001 R10:0x0000000000000002 R11:0x00007fff0425b07a
R12:0x0000e2d2e0f4cc2c R13:0x00000000000e0cc5 R14:0x00000000b1f69b00 R15:0x00000000b1f01490
ES:0x002b CS:0x0033 SS:0x002b DS:0x002b FS:0x0043 GS:0x0053
174330|Double SIGSEGV (code=1, pc=0x35020aa8, addr=0x20, prot=00)!
Call to dlclose(0x4)
Call to dlclose(0x5)
Call to dlclose(0x6)
Call to dlclose(0x7)
Call to dlclose(0x8)
Call to dlclose(0x9)
Call to dlclose(0xa)
Call to dlclose(0xb)
Call to dlclose(0xc)
Call to dlclose(0xd)
Call to dlclose(0xe)
Call to dlclose(0xf)
Call to dlclose(0x10)
Call to dlclose(0x11)
Call to dlclose(0x12)
Call to dlclose(0x12)
Call to dlclose(0x13)
Call to dlclose(0x14)
Call to dlclose(0x14)
Call to dlclose(0x14)
Call to dlclose(0x14)
Call to dlclose(0x15)
Call to dlclose(0x15)
Call to dlclose(0x15)
Call to dlclose(0x16)
Call to dlclose(0x17)
Call to dlclose(0x18)
Call to dlclose(0x19)
Call to dlclose(0x19)
Call to dlclose(0x1a)
Call to dlclose(0x1b)
Sigfault/Segbus while quitting, exiting silently
I had the same problem. I don't know what box64 version you are using but I deleted my box64 folder and cloned this version with this command: "git clone --branch v0.2.4". Somehow it then worked for me. Running it on Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB arm64.
I'm trying to run a dedicated corekeeper server on a headless OCI ARM instance. It will reproducibly segfault on attempt. I am not sure what is causing the segfault.
To reproduce, I have:
I have been able to run a Valheim dedicated server instance previously with the below box64rc settings, so I have trialled the same in my .box64rc.
I then try to run the server by
. Of note, the launch bashfile does rely onXvfb
, as shown by this snippet:Log as below.