Open m1m1k4tz opened 1 month ago
is it speicifc to a game? I don't have a Xbox One controler, but an XBox 360, and an use it in many game. There are a few game were it's not detected for some reason tho (Forza Horizon 4 for example). But in most games, it's detected just fine.
It’s a wine issue it won’t show up in the control panel at all
I tried some guide for box64 on android I found on reddit where you override dlls but that didn't seem to do anything either
Also I just noticed Kronek provides wow64 wine builds now so you shouldn’t have to worry about compiling 50mb too pretty small
I think I might have found a reason why
02b4:err:module:import_dll Library SDL2.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\bin\\gldriverquery.exe") not found
But there was also a regression recently that makes Fallout New Vegas unable to start recently with OpenGL. I'm gonna try a new wine prefix but the problem is that Steam wont install currently under wow64 unless you use a good prefix from an x86 machine.
Okay I've just tested it and now steam just works with a wine prefix created under emulation. It looks like you would need to run winetricks also though to install corefonts
Ah yeah, corefonts
is needed for mostly everything that has a GUI on wine.
Yeah, its pretty easy once you install the symlinks and now you don't need a working prefix to get it going which is pretty nice
Oh, also Fallout NV works again with a new wineprefix I disabled the scaling and set it to 4k though. Half Life 2 also works. I'll try to record it and upload it
I can confirm that I have hidpipe installed so muvm should be able to access the controller