ptitSeb / box64

Box64 - Linux Userspace x86_64 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM64 Linux devices
MIT License
3.48k stars 247 forks source link

Linux native BeamNG binary does not run #424

Open Hacker1245 opened 1 year ago

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

I am running box64 in a debian bookworm chroot under a OnePlus 6 running pmOS, used the Goldberg Steam emulator ( because I can't get Steam running on this chroot.

(debian)user@oneplus-enchilada:~/$ box64 ./ 
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL ATOMICS PageSize:4096
Box64 with Dynarec v0.1.9 68826ba built on Oct  9 2022 16:56:32
Using default BOX64_LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/
Using default BOX64_PATH: ./:bin/
Counted 37 Env var
Looking for ./
Rename process to ""
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated
Using emulated
Using emulated
Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Warning: Global Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0xffffb705e648 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Keyboard layout unknown, please report the following to the SDL forums/mailing list (
code = 1, sym = 0x30 (0) scancode = 39 (0)
code = 2, sym = 0x31 (1) scancode = 30 (1)
code = 3, sym = 0x32 (2) scancode = 31 (2)
code = 4, sym = 0x33 (3) scancode = 32 (3)
code = 5, sym = 0x34 (4) scancode = 33 (4)
code = 6, sym = 0x35 (5) scancode = 34 (5)
code = 7, sym = 0x36 (6) scancode = 35 (6)
code = 8, sym = 0x37 (7) scancode = 36 (7)
code = 9, sym = 0x38 (8) scancode = 37 (8)
code = 10, sym = 0x39 (9) scancode = 38 (9)
code = 11, sym = 0x41 (A) scancode = 4 (A)
code = 12, sym = 0x42 (B) scancode = 5 (B)
code = 13, sym = 0xFF08 (BackSpace) scancode = 42 (Backspace)
code = 14, sym = 0xFF6B (Break) scancode not found
code = 15, sym = 0x43 (C) scancode = 6 (C)
code = 16, sym = 0x44 (D) scancode = 7 (D)
code = 17, sym = 0xFFFF (Delete) scancode = 76 (Delete)
code = 19, sym = 0xFF54 (Down) scancode = 81 (Down)
code = 20, sym = 0x45 (E) scancode = 8 (E)
code = 21, sym = 0xFF57 (End) scancode = 77 (End)
code = 23, sym = 0xFF1B (Escape) scancode = 41 (Escape)
code = 24, sym = 0x46 (F) scancode = 9 (F)
code = 25, sym = 0xFFBE (F1) scancode = 58 (F1)
code = 26, sym = 0xFFC7 (F10) scancode = 67 (F10)
code = 27, sym = 0xFFC8 (F11) scancode = 68 (F11)
code = 28, sym = 0xFFC9 (F12) scancode = 69 (F12)
code = 29, sym = 0xFFBF (F2) scancode = 59 (F2)
code = 30, sym = 0xFFC0 (F3) scancode = 60 (F3)
code = 31, sym = 0xFFC1 (F4) scancode = 61 (F4)
code = 32, sym = 0xFFC2 (F5) scancode = 62 (F5)
code = 33, sym = 0xFFC3 (F6) scancode = 63 (F6)
code = 34, sym = 0xFFC4 (F7) scancode = 64 (F7)
code = 35, sym = 0xFFC5 (F8) scancode = 65 (F8)
code = 36, sym = 0xFFC6 (F9) scancode = 66 (F9)
code = 37, sym = 0x47 (G) scancode = 10 (G)
code = 38, sym = 0x48 (H) scancode = 11 (H)
code = 39, sym = 0xFF50 (Home) scancode = 74 (Home)
code = 40, sym = 0x49 (I) scancode = 12 (I)
code = 41, sym = 0xFF63 (Insert) scancode = 73 (Insert)
code = 42, sym = 0x4A (J) scancode = 13 (J)
code = 43, sym = 0x4B (K) scancode = 14 (K)
code = 44, sym = 0x4C (L) scancode = 15 (L)
code = 46, sym = 0xFF51 (Left) scancode = 80 (Left)
code = 47, sym = 0x4D (M) scancode = 16 (M)
code = 48, sym = 0xFF67 (Menu) scancode = 118 (Menu)
code = 49, sym = 0x4E (N) scancode = 17 (N)
code = 50, sym = 0x4F (O) scancode = 18 (O)
code = 51, sym = 0x50 (P) scancode = 19 (P)
code = 52, sym = 0xFF56 (Next) scancode = 78 (PageDown)
code = 53, sym = 0xFF55 (Prior) scancode = 75 (PageUp)
code = 54, sym = 0xFF13 (Pause) scancode = 72 (Pause)
code = 55, sym = 0x51 (Q) scancode = 20 (Q)
code = 56, sym = 0x52 (R) scancode = 21 (R)
code = 57, sym = 0xFF0D (Return) scancode = 40 (Return)
code = 59, sym = 0xFF53 (Right) scancode = 79 (Right)
code = 60, sym = 0x53 (S) scancode = 22 (S)
code = 61, sym = 0x54 (T) scancode = 23 (T)
code = 63, sym = 0xFF09 (Tab) scancode = 43 (Tab)
code = 64, sym = 0x55 (U) scancode = 24 (U)
code = 65, sym = 0x20 (space) scancode = 44 (Space)
code = 66, sym = 0x21 (exclam) scancode not found
code = 67, sym = 0x22 (quotedbl) scancode not found
code = 68, sym = 0x23 (numbersign) scancode not found
code = 69, sym = 0x24 (dollar) scancode not found
code = 70, sym = 0x25 (percent) scancode not found
code = 71, sym = 0x26 (ampersand) scancode not found
code = 72, sym = 0x27 (apostrophe) scancode = 52 (')
code = 73, sym = 0x28 (parenleft) scancode not found
code = 74, sym = 0x29 (parenright) scancode not found
code = 75, sym = 0x2A (asterisk) scancode not found
code = 76, sym = 0x2B (plus) scancode not found
code = 77, sym = 0x2C (comma) scancode = 54 (,)
code = 78, sym = 0x2D (minus) scancode = 45 (-)
code = 79, sym = 0x2E (period) scancode = 55 (.)
code = 80, sym = 0x2F (slash) scancode = 56 (/)
code = 81, sym = 0x3A (colon) scancode not found
code = 82, sym = 0x3B (semicolon) scancode not found
code = 83, sym = 0x3C (less) scancode not found
code = 84, sym = 0x3D (equal) scancode = 46 (=)
code = 85, sym = 0x3E (greater) scancode not found
code = 86, sym = 0x3F (question) scancode not found
code = 87, sym = 0x40 (at) scancode not found
code = 88, sym = 0x5B (bracketleft) scancode = 47 ([)
code = 89, sym = 0x5C (backslash) scancode = 49 (\)
code = 90, sym = 0x5D (bracketright) scancode = 48 (])
code = 91, sym = 0x5E (asciicircum) scancode not found
code = 92, sym = 0x5F (underscore) scancode not found
code = 93, sym = 0x60 (grave) scancode = 53 (`)
code = 94, sym = 0x7B (braceleft) scancode not found
code = 95, sym = 0x7C (bar) scancode not found
code = 96, sym = 0x7D (braceright) scancode not found
code = 97, sym = 0x7E (asciitilde) scancode not found
code = 98, sym = 0xA3 (sterling) scancode not found
code = 99, sym = 0xA5 (yen) scancode not found
code = 100, sym = 0xA9 (copyright) scancode not found
code = 101, sym = 0xAE (registered) scancode not found
code = 102, sym = 0xB0 (degree) scancode not found
code = 103, sym = 0xB6 (paragraph) scancode not found
code = 104, sym = 0xB7 (periodcentered) scancode not found
code = 105, sym = 0xD7 (multiply) scancode not found
code = 106, sym = 0xF7 (division) scancode not found
code = 107, sym = 0x10003C0 (U03C0) scancode not found
code = 108, sym = 0x10003C4 (U03C4) scancode not found
code = 109, sym = 0x10020AC (U20AC) scancode not found
code = 110, sym = 0x100221A (squareroot) scancode not found
code = 112, sym = 0xFF52 (Up) scancode = 82 (Up)
code = 113, sym = 0x56 (V) scancode = 25 (V)
code = 114, sym = 0x57 (W) scancode = 26 (W)
code = 115, sym = 0x58 (X) scancode = 27 (X)
code = 116, sym = 0x59 (Y) scancode = 28 (Y)
code = 117, sym = 0x5A (Z) scancode = 29 (Z)
code = 118, sym = 0x61 (a) scancode = 4 (A)
code = 119, sym = 0x62 (b) scancode = 5 (B)
code = 120, sym = 0x63 (c) scancode = 6 (C)
code = 121, sym = 0x64 (d) scancode = 7 (D)
code = 122, sym = 0x65 (e) scancode = 8 (E)
code = 123, sym = 0x66 (f) scancode = 9 (F)
code = 124, sym = 0x67 (g) scancode = 10 (G)
code = 125, sym = 0x68 (h) scancode = 11 (H)
code = 126, sym = 0x69 (i) scancode = 12 (I)
code = 127, sym = 0x6A (j) scancode = 13 (J)
code = 128, sym = 0x6B (k) scancode = 14 (K)
code = 129, sym = 0x6C (l) scancode = 15 (L)
code = 130, sym = 0x6D (m) scancode = 16 (M)
code = 131, sym = 0x6E (n) scancode = 17 (N)
code = 132, sym = 0x6F (o) scancode = 18 (O)
code = 133, sym = 0x70 (p) scancode = 19 (P)
code = 134, sym = 0x71 (q) scancode = 20 (Q)
code = 135, sym = 0x72 (r) scancode = 21 (R)
code = 136, sym = 0x73 (s) scancode = 22 (S)
code = 137, sym = 0x74 (t) scancode = 23 (T)
code = 138, sym = 0x75 (u) scancode = 24 (U)
code = 139, sym = 0x76 (v) scancode = 25 (V)
code = 140, sym = 0x77 (w) scancode = 26 (W)
code = 141, sym = 0x78 (x) scancode = 27 (X)
code = 142, sym = 0x79 (y) scancode = 28 (Y)
code = 143, sym = 0x7A (z) scancode = 29 (Z)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Warning, call to __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(0xffffb6b2fba0, 0xffffa0b00710, 0xffffb7064a28) ignored
Warning, call to __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(0xffffb50cd260, 0xffffa0b00f40, 0xffffb7064a28) ignored
Warning, call to __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(0xffffb50cd260, 0xffffa0b01f90, 0xffffb7064a28) ignored
Warning, call to __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(0xffffa48e3430, 0xffffa0b01f70, 0xffffb7064a28) ignored
Warning, call to __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(0xffffb6b70430, 0xffffa0b01fd0, 0xffffb7064a28) ignored
  0.89046|I|initFS| Virtual Filesystem: user path: /home/user/.local/share/
  0.89297|D|initFS|  - user path reason: Default path
  0.89305|D|initFS|  - user mods path: /home/user/.local/share/
  0.89307|D|initFS|  - game mods path: /home/user/
  0.89357|D|main| H2 A9AFD832312A63D9ABC940DE2E78D963A388
>   0.90547|I|init| Initializing platform...
  0.91084|D|initializeSystem| initializing 96 modules (only displaying anything above 0.1 s)...
  0.91646|I|init| SFXFMODProvider - FMOD API version: 2.2.7
Using native(wrapped)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib pcm_rate.c:1582:(snd_pcm_rate_open) Cannot find rate converter
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib pcm_rate.c:1582:(snd_pcm_rate_open) Cannot find rate converter
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ALSA lib pcm_rate.c:1582:(snd_pcm_rate_open) Cannot find rate converter
ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:1332:(snd1_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) unable to install hw params
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1011:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to initialize slave
ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:1217:(snd1_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) slave plugin does not support mmap interleaved or mmap noninterleaved access
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1011:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to initialize slave
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:337:(snd_dlobj_cache_get0) Cannot open shared library (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
  1.26500|D|initializeSystem|  - SFXModule in 0.35201558 seconds
Using emulated /home/user/
  1.40072|D|createDevice| Using default audio device: default:CARD=O6
Using emulated /home/user/
Using emulated /home/user/
Using emulated /home/user/
  1.50457|D|createDevice| SFXSystem::createDevice - created FMOD device 'default:CARD=O6'
  1.50479|D|createDevice|    CAPS_VoiceManagement
  1.52167|D|finalizeInitialization|    Provider: FMOD
  1.52179|D|finalizeInitialization|    Hardware: false
  1.52201|D|finalizeInitialization|    Buffers: 16
  1.52291|D|initializeSystem|  - AFTER_MODULE_INIT( BeamEngine ) in ../../engine/source/audio/audioSystem.cpp in 0.13339883 seconds
  1.70793|D|init|  - Steam Account logged in: yes
  1.70808|D|init|  - Steam Account ID: 76561199478672391
  1.70821|D|init|  - Steam App ID: 284160
  1.70827|D|init|  - Battery Status: AC power
  1.70855|D|init|  - BeamNG installed: yes
  1.70862|D|init|  - Steam subscribed
  1.70888|D|init|  - current game language: english
  1.70894|D|init|  - available game languages: english
  1.70903|D|init|  - branch: 'public'
  1.71604|D|init|  - install path: '/home/user/'
  1.71655|D|init|  - player name: 'Noob'
  1.71796|D|init| Steam initialization done.
  1.71958|D|initializeSystem|  - GameEngineSteamIntegration in 0.18742773 seconds
  2.73103|I|GELua.| ============== Game Engine Lua VM started ==============
  3.21443|D|GELua.core_activityManager.| Loaded 12 condition types from 3 files.
  3.24110|D|GELua.gameplay_missions_progress.| Loaded 0 condition types from 0 files.
  3.24482|D|GELua.gameplay_missions_missions.| Loaded 2 procedural Mission Generators from 2 files.
  3.25313|D|GELua.gameplay_missions_unlocks.| Loaded 9 condition types from 4 files.
  5.25006|D|initializeSystem|  - GameEngineLua in 3.5300682 seconds
  5.25134|D|init| GFX Init:
  5.25212|D|_GFXInitReportAdapters|    Null device found
  5.25513|D|initializeSystem| ... all modules loaded in 4.344048393 seconds
Using native(wrapped)
  5.33586|D|onAdd| Available adapters: 2
  5.33617|D|onAdd|  - name:GPU (VK), outputName:\\.\DISPLAY1, gfx:Vk, gpu:GPU
  5.33626|D|onAdd|  - name:GFX Null Device, outputName:, gfx:, gpu:
  5.33641|D|createDevice| Attempting to create GFX device 0: GPU (VK) [with output \\.\DISPLAY1]
  5.33676|D|createDevice| shader model: 5.0 , available video modes: 8
  5.33831|D|createDevice| Device created, setting adapter and enumerating modes
Using native(wrapped)
  5.36357|W|createWindow| Window Icon path is empty, window will be created without an icon.
  5.36674|I|init| Vk Layers:
  5.36683|I|init|     VK_LAYER_MESA_device_select
  5.36693|I|init|     VK_LAYER_MESA_overlay
  5.36701|D|init| Attempting to create vulkan instance with the following extensions:
  5.36705|D|init|     VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
  5.36710|D|init|     VK_EXT_debug_utils
  5.36711|D|init|     VK_KHR_surface
  5.36713|D|init|     VK_KHR_xlib_surface
Warning, no wrapper for vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT
  5.38083|D|init| Available vulkan devices:
  5.38102|D|init|    name:Turnip Adreno (TM) 630 vendor:20803 version:92282979 type:Integrated
  5.40876|D|init| Created Vulkan device from Turnip Adreno (TM) 630
  5.41729|D|init|  -  () [0 MB] ver 
  5.41762|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'maxTextureWidth' to 8192.
  5.41787|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'maxTextureHeight' to 8192.
  5.41793|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'maxTextureSize' to 8192.
  5.41798|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'autoMipMapLevel' to 1.
  5.41808|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'lerpDetailBlend' to 1.
  5.41816|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'fourStageDetailBlend' to 1.
  5.43157|D|initShaderGen| Failed to remove file /temp/shaders/procedural/autogenConditioners.h
  5.46094|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  5.46148|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  5.46157|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  5.46185|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
Warning, call to __cxa_thread_atexit_impl(0xffffb534eb30, 0xffffa0affa90, 0xffffb7064a28) ignored
  5.46421|I|init| Vulkan render initialized
Error: PltResolver: Symbol XftFontOpenName(ver 1: XftFontOpenName) not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT 0xffffb7062570 (0xffffb6f7c926) in /home/user/
ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

Ok, function added, you can re-try.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Another function: Error: PltResolver: Symbol XftNameUnparse(ver 1: XftNameUnparse) not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT 0xffff8e5115d0 (0xffff8e42b9e6) in /home/user/

ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

I have added the missing function, you can update and try again.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Now it wants XftFontClose.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Any updates regarding adding these functions?

ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

Ah, sorry, I forgot. I have just pushed the function so you can update and try again.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Here you go.

Using native(wrapped)
Warning: Global Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0x10481a440 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Warning: Weak Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e070 (0x2f34fe6)
Error: Symbol XftColorAllocName not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e470 (0x2f357e6) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol XftTextExtents16 not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e478 (0x2f357f6) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol XftDrawRect not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e480 (0x2f35806) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol XftDrawString16 not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e488 (0x2f35816) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol XftColorFree not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e498 (0x2f35836) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol XftDrawDestroy not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e4a0 (0x2f35846) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol __isoc99_swscanf not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481ed68 (0x2f369d6) in /home/user/
Using native(wrapped)
ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

Ok, I have added all those missing function. Should be ok now (at least it should go farther)

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Ok, I have added all those missing function. Should be ok now (at least it should go farther)

Now this is weird, the libxft functions are solved but the iso99 one is not.

Warning: Global Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0x10481a440 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Warning: Weak Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e070 (0x2f34fe6)
Error: Symbol __isoc99_swscanf not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481ed68 (0x2f369d6) in /home/user/
ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

Ah yes, I forgot to save a file. I have pushed it, it should be better now.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago
Warning: Global Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0x10481a440 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Warning: Weak Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT @0x10481e070 (0x2f34fe6)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Failed to init bngenv: Failed to init app instance framework
ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

that's a game message. try to run with BOX64_DLSYM_ERROR=1 and also maybe with BOX64_SHOWSEGV=1 to have more logs

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Here you go:

ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

Ok, looks like there is some more missing symbol, but I need to filter the noise around the multiple calls...

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

so the previous run was without the Goldberg emu, after adding it I get this

Error: Symbol _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_64 @0x104804c48 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_64 @0x104804dc8 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Warning: Global Symbol _ZTHN6engine3Var12texUnitCountE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0x10481a440 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Error: Symbol _ZTIN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_64 @0x104825518 ((nil)) in /home/user/
Error: relocating symbols in elf /home/user/

What I wonder about is why doesn't it go further, seeing as it did so in the original report (though that was also a different chroot and an older game version)

ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

There is it seems to have issue with the libstdc++ you are using I think? or is it Those missing symboàls are C++ symbols, so they are not wrapped and comes from an emulated libs.

On the previous run, I found those symbols to be missing:



Not sure if they are mendatory... I'll try to add them later.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

There is it seems to have issue with the libstdc++ you are using I think? or is it

How could I check if that is the issue? went ahead and installed libc++1-15 libc++abi1-15 libunwind-15, still not working Checked and the library is there, so not sure why it's emulating it.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Alright, so I decided to install Mobian to rule out any possible issues with the chroot, and without Goldberg I get this: Screenshot from 2023-07-09 10-45-58

ptitSeb commented 1 year ago

You have working vulkan there?

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

You have working vulkan there?

looks like there is something wonky, vkcube renders but doesn't spin. Vulkaninfo runs fine though. Update: got that sorted out, as dxvk and vkcube work fine now, I have some feeling it might need the goldberg steam emu to run or something.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

So I am now trying this on Arch Linux ARM, because mobian broke for me and I tested removing the Steam library, which leads to similar errors as with the Goldberg emu.

Hacker1245 commented 1 year ago

Is there anything more I could do to help debug this?

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Hello. I was also trying to run native Beamng, and achieved about the same result, but the SIGSEGV i got is different from one which is shown in Hacker1245's screenshot above.

Dynarec will not try to make big block
Dynarec will try to normalize generated NAN
Dynarec will play moderatly safe with x64 flags
Dynarec will not optimize CALL/RET
Allow missing needed libs
Show Segfault signal even if a signal handler is present
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL SHA1 SHA2 PageSize:4096 Running on unknown aarch64 cpu with 8 Cores
Params database has 48 entries
Using bash "/opt/box64_bash"
Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.7 d787f67a built on Jan 10 2024 09:01:09
BOX64: Didn't detect 48bits of address space, considering it's 39bits
Counted 43 Env var
BOX64 LIB PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/:/usr/games/:/usr/local/games/:/snap/bin/:/opt/wine/bin/
Looking for v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Rename process to ""
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)                                                                                                                                                                                    Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
libcef detected, using malloc_hack_2
Redirecting overridden malloc from symtab function for /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Warning: Global Symbol _ZN9__gnu_cxx21zoneinfo_dir_overrideEv not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0x3f0e24e268 ((nil)) in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Error loading needed lib
Warning: Cannot dlopen(""/0x3f0489ec5c, 1)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
Using native(wrapped)
  0.52816|I|initFS| Virtual Filesystem: user path: /root/.local/share/
  0.52964|D|initFS|  - user path reason: Default path
  0.52968|D|initFS|  - user mods path: /root/.local/share/
  0.52969|D|initFS|  - game mods path: /root/ v20.12.2023/content/
  0.53096|D|main| H2 08C94614AC84E57C83CF68DE0678663A348B
>   0.53536|I|init| Initializing platform...
  0.54017|D|initializeSystem| initializing 104 modules (only displaying anything above 0.1 s)...
  0.61791|D|init|  - Steam Account logged in: yes
  0.61802|D|init|  - Steam Account ID: 76561199508488421
  0.61810|D|init|  - Steam App ID: 0
  0.61816|D|init|  - Battery Status: AC power
  0.61840|D|init|  - BeamNG installed: yes
  0.61845|D|init|  - Steam subscribed
  0.61862|D|init|  - current game language: english
  0.61866|D|init|  - available game languages: english
  0.61873|D|init|  - branch: 'public'
  0.62102|D|init|  - install path: '/root/ v20.12.2023/'
  0.62134|D|init|  - player name: 'Noob'
  0.62213|D|init| Steam initialization done.
  0.62450|D|init| SFXFMODProvider - FMOD API version: 2.02.17
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
  0.71341|D|createDevice| Using default audio device: OpenSL ES Output
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
  0.78815|D|createDevice| Created FMOD device 'OpenSL ES Output'
  0.78832|D|createDevice|    CAPS_VoiceManagement
  0.79536|D|finalizeInitialization|    Provider: FMOD
  0.79548|D|finalizeInitialization|    Hardware: false
  0.79589|D|finalizeInitialization|    Buffers: 16
  1.54819|I|GELua.| ============== Game Engine Lua VM started ==============
  2.03624|D|GELua.gameplay_missions_progress.| Loaded 0 condition types from 0 files.
  2.04454|D|GELua.gameplay_missions_missions.| Loaded 2 procedural Mission Generators from 2 files.
  2.05849|D|GELua.gameplay_missions_unlocks.| Loaded 9 condition types from 4 files.
  2.11528|D|initializeSystem|  - GameEngineLua in 1.3040867 seconds
  2.11671|D|init| GFX Init:
  2.11739|D|_GFXInitReportAdapters|    Null device found
  2.12073|D|initializeSystem| ... all modules loaded in 1.580425885 seconds
  2.12244|D|init| OpenXR: Steam VR mode: disabled
Using native(wrapped)
  2.14309|D|createDevice| Available adapters: 2
  2.14329|D|createDevice|  - name:GPU (VK), outputName:\\.\DISPLAY1, gfx:Vk, gpu:GPU
  2.14336|D|createDevice|  - name:GFX Null Device, outputName:, gfx:, gpu:
  2.14347|D|createDevice| Attempting to create GFX device 0: GPU (VK) [with output \\.\DISPLAY1]
  2.14370|D|createDevice| shader model: 5.0 , available video modes: 1
  2.14433|D|createDevice| Device created, setting adapter and enumerating modes
Using native(wrapped)
  2.20201|W|createWindow| Window Icon path is empty, window will be created without an icon.
  2.20537|D|init| Vk Layers:
  2.20550|D|init|     VK_LAYER_MESA_device_select
  2.20555|D|init|     VK_LAYER_MESA_overlay
  2.20566|D|init| Attempting to create vulkan instance with the following extensions:
  2.20572|D|init|  - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
  2.20577|D|init|  - VK_EXT_debug_utils
  2.20577|D|init|  - VK_KHR_surface
  2.20582|D|init|  - VK_KHR_xlib_surface
Warning, no wrapper for vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEnableEXT
25587|SIGSEGV @0x34fd1abc (???( v20.12.2023/BinLinux/ (x64pc=0x340013/???:"???", rsp=0x103c2d928, stack=0x103430000:0x103c30000 own=(nil) fp=0x103c2e880), for accessing 0x8 (code=1/prot=0), db=(nil)((nil):(nil)/(nil):(nil)/???:clean, hash:0/0) handler=0x102bdaa40
RSP-0x20:0xb229bab891314800 RSP-0x18:0x00000000552324f0 RSP-0x10:0x00000000538e4de8 RSP-0x08:0x00000000538e4df0
RSP+0x00:0x000000010217eadc RSP+0x08:0x000000005538af40 RSP+0x10:0x0000000000000000 RSP+0x18:0x00000000538e4df0
RAX:0x0000000000012a40 RCX:0x3fffffffffffffff RDX:0x0000000103c2dc40 RBX:0x00000001033bda80
RSP:0x0000000103c2d928 RBP:0x0000000103c2e880 RSI:0x000000010086c528 RDI:0x00000000571e3b00
 R8:0x0000000055363fd0  R9:0x00000000548d6a40 R10:0x0000000103c2d2a0 R11:0x0000000000000006
R12:0x00000000571e3b00 R13:0x0000000100869156 R14:0x000000005538af40 R15:0x0000000103c2e3c0
ES:0x002b CS:0x0033 SS:0x002b DS:0x002b FS:0x0043 GS:0x0053
*** CRASH *** Could not generate minidump25587|Double SIGSEGV (code=1, pc=0x34fd1abc, addr=0x8, prot=00)!
corrupted double-linked list
ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

I need to add support for this vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEnableEXT vulkan extension.

I wonder on what machine you are running your test.

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

Ok, the extension VK_EXT_discard_rectangles was only partially wrapped. I have complete the wrapping so it should go farther now @BlueGradientHorizon

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Wow, didn't expect reply so soon, thanks. Im running it inside termux chroot (ubuntu 22.04.3, installed using box64droid). My device is POCO X3 Pro (vayu), running crDroid 9.7, magisk 26.1. Now it wants vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorEnableNV.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Anyway Im worried about booting process, because in very first Hacker1245's message here in his logs i can see that after Warning, no wrapper for vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT, Beamng startup was continued until next error.

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

Wow, didn't expect reply so soon, thanks. Im running it inside termux chroot (ubuntu 22.04.3, installed using box64droid). My device is POCO X3 Pro (vayu), running crDroid 9.7, magisk 26.1. Now it wants vkCmdSetExclusiveScissorEnableNV.

Ok, Just added that one too (it was another extension half-wrapped)

Anyway Im worried about booting process, because in very first Hacker1245's message here in his logs i can see that after Warning, no wrapper for vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT, Beamng startup was continued until next error.

This one has been added since then. So it should be good.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Thanks, now vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

Ok, this extension has been added.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Thanks again, vkMapMemory2KHR

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

Ok, Added this one too. But is you hardware that use so many extension that I have not wrapped yet???

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Now it complains on vkGetDeviceFaultInfoEXT. I'm very sorry, but i'm not a real programmer. I can't say exactly does my hardware actually require all these extensions. All i can do is to provide you as more information as i can. I did some research. I opened executable in a hex editor and tried to find one of VK extensions. Instead, i found a huge block with almost 600 (!) functions names written one by one and divided between themself by 0x00. But i can't say if they are all needed for game to succesfully initialize and run. I changed 0x00 dividers to newlines, sorted lines with func names by alphabetical order and uploaded text file online. Also i uploaded text with output of vulkaninfo utility.

I still feel something's wrong and i still can't understand why in Hacker1245's case Beamng game engine continued to load even after getting "Warning, no wrapper". Even Vulkan render initialized message was printed to the console, judging by his log. But in my case i just getting missing wrapper error with new func name every time you add currently required one for further game startup process.

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

It's ok, I was just wondering what kind of harware / driver combo would need so many extension that I have not wrapped yet. I test on some pretty powerfull hardware on my side, so I'm just surprised I didn't needed those wrapping already...

But I guess it's BeamDriver itself that want all thoses extension. I don't have this game, and up until now, it's mainly Wine stuffs that have required vulkan extension (with dxvk mainly).

Anyway, I have pushed that extension too.

Hacker1245 commented 6 months ago

But I guess it's BeamDriver itself that want all thoses extension.

@BlueGradientHorizon maybe you could test the Windows version with the Vulkan renderer?

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

I successfully launched windows version of Beamng using wine 8.0, at least i got to main menu. I tried to load gridmap v2 level, and i even seen one frame of 3d scene until termux crashed (probably i ran out of 6gb ram of my poco x3 pro). So i cant say if there are any visual glitches in game, but the main menu is definitely able to load in wine. Used dxvk 2.2 async. Screenshot_20240111-142850_Termux_X11 SD860 won't thank me for temps

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

I compared a list of already defined VK functions in wrappedvulkan_private.h with list of funcs required by beamng executable which i found earlier. Here are the missing ones:

Again, i can't say/guarantee what if they all will be wrapped the game engine's boot process will go further than it is now.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

And here is part of log of BeamNG successfully launched from wine, describing what happens after Attempting to create vulkan instance with the following extensions:, maybe interesting:

  3.02933|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init| Attempting to create vulkan instance with the following extensions:
  3.02949|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
  3.02965|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_EXT_debug_utils
  3.02978|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_surface
  3.02987|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_win32_surface
  3.05867|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init| Available vulkan devices:
  3.05946|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|    name:Turnip Adreno (TM) 640 vendor:20803 version:96481282 type:Integrated
  3.05972|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|    name:llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 128 bits) vendor:65541 version:1 type:Cpu
  3.06225|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints
  3.06301|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
  3.06320|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_win32
  3.06365|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
  3.06378|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_win32
  3.06387|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
  3.06396|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
  3.06405|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
  3.06413|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
  3.06421|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_EXT_debug_marker
  3.06430|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
  3.06457|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
  3.06466|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
  3.06474|W|engine::GFXVkDevice::init::<lambda_7615226be97763791724f63d6f3a8d93>::operator ()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
  3.06487|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init| Attempting to create vulkan device with the following vulkan device extensions:
  3.06498|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_swapchain
  3.06509|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_EXT_memory_budget
  3.06527|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
  3.06535|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_external_memory
  3.06545|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_external_fence
  3.06552|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_external_semaphore
  3.06560|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
  3.06567|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign
  3.06574|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_bind_memory2
  3.06582|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
  3.06589|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_maintenance2
  3.06596|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_multiview
  3.06604|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_push_descriptor
  3.06611|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init|  - VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore
  3.07531|D|engine::GFXVkDevice::init| Created Vulkan device from Turnip Adreno (TM) 640
ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

I have added all the extensions (I doubt they're being all use at the same time).

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Wow! Thank you very much. I appreciate your work. Now the startup process goes much further than before. In logs:

  2.44445|D|init| Available vulkan devices:
  2.44458|D|init|    name:Turnip Adreno (TM) 640 vendor:20803 version:96481282 type:Integrated
  2.44464|D|init|    name:llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 128 bits) vendor:65541 version:1 type:Cpu
  2.44737|W|operator()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints
  2.44778|W|operator()| The requested Vulkan device extension does not appear to be supported, skipping extension: VK_EXT_debug_marker
  2.44782|D|init| Attempting to create vulkan device with the following vulkan device extensions:
  2.44784|D|init|  - VK_KHR_swapchain
  2.44788|D|init|  - VK_EXT_memory_budget
  2.44788|D|init|  - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
  2.44789|D|init|  - VK_KHR_external_memory
  2.44791|D|init|  - VK_KHR_external_fence
  2.44796|D|init|  - VK_KHR_external_semaphore
  2.44797|D|init|  - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
  2.44798|D|init|  - VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign
  2.44800|D|init|  - VK_KHR_bind_memory2
  2.44801|D|init|  - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
  2.44802|D|init|  - VK_KHR_maintenance2
  2.44803|D|init|  - VK_KHR_multiview
  2.44804|D|init|  - VK_KHR_push_descriptor
  2.44805|D|init|  - VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore
  2.45275|D|init| Created Vulkan device from Turnip Adreno (TM) 640
  2.45629|D|init|  -  () [0 MB] ver 
  2.45649|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'maxTextureWidth' to 8192.
  2.45663|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'maxTextureHeight' to 8192.
  2.45666|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'maxTextureSize' to 8192.
  2.45671|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'autoMipMapLevel' to 1.
  2.45676|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'lerpDetailBlend' to 1.
  2.45679|D|setCapability| GFXCardProfiler (VK) - Setting capability 'fourStageDetailBlend' to 1.
  3.06817|D|initShaderGen| Failed to remove file /temp/shaders/procedural/autogenConditioners.h
  3.09965|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  3.09998|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  3.10005|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  3.10028|D|sanitizePathAsStr| Empty path will be resolved to root but should not be used
  3.10255|I|init| Vulkan render initialized
  3.12865|D|GELua.core_settings_graphic.graphic| Sanitizing display - //./DISPLAY1: Passed.
  3.12870|D|GELua.core_settings_graphic.graphic| Sanitizing display mode - Window: Passed.
  3.12878|D|GELua.core_settings_graphic.graphic| Sanitizing display resolution for Window mode - 1280 720: Passed.
  3.21205|D|loadFonts| Loading 13 imgui fonts...
  3.21389|D|_imgui_createContext| Adding fonts to imgui:
  3.21709|D|_imgui_createContext|   'cairo_bold'->'ui/common/Cairo-Bold.ttf' Scale: 1.3  RangeCount: 3
  3.21943|D|_imgui_createContext|   'cairo_regular'->'ui/common/Cairo-Regular.ttf' Scale: 1.3  RangeCount: 3
  3.21968|D|_imgui_createContext|   'cairo_regular_medium'->'ui/common/Cairo-Regular.ttf' Scale: 1.8  RangeCount: 3
  3.22107|D|_imgui_createContext|   'cairo_semibold_large'->'ui/common/Cairo-SemiBold.ttf' Scale: 2  RangeCount: 3
  3.22289|D|_imgui_createContext|   'icons'->'ui/common/fa-solid-900.ttf' Scale: 3  RangeCount: 1
  3.23314|D|_imgui_createContext|   'notosans_jp_regular'->'ui/common/NotoSansJP-Regular.otf' Scale: 1  RangeCount: 3004
  3.23843|D|_imgui_createContext|   'notosans_kr_regular'->'ui/common/NotoSansKR-Regular.otf' Scale: 1  RangeCount: 3
  3.25317|D|_imgui_createContext|   'notosans_sc_regular'->'ui/common/NotoSansSC-Regular.otf' Scale: 1  RangeCount: 2506
  3.26215|D|_imgui_createContext|   'notosans_tc_regular'->'ui/common/NotoSansTC-Regular.otf' Scale: 1  RangeCount: 7
  3.26310|D|_imgui_createContext|   'prompt_regular'->'ui/common/Prompt-Regular.ttf' Scale: 1  RangeCount: 3
  3.26417|D|_imgui_createContext|   'robotomono_regular'->'ui/common/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf' Scale: 1  RangeCount: 4
  6.38277|D|imgui.fonts| font texture contains 11 fonts. Atlas size: 4096x16384px
  6.38363|D|imgui.fonts|  - cairo_bold           [24.3 px]:    292 glyphs
  6.38371|D|imgui.fonts|  - cairo_regular        [24.3 px]:    292 glyphs
  6.38379|D|imgui.fonts|  - cairo_regular_medium [33.7 px]:    292 glyphs
  6.38380|D|imgui.fonts|  - cairo_semibold_large [37.4 px]:    292 glyphs
  6.38383|D|imgui.fonts|  - icons                [56.1 px]:     16 glyphs
  6.38384|D|imgui.fonts|  - notosans_jp_regular  [18.7 px]:   3685 glyphs
  6.38385|D|imgui.fonts|  - notosans_kr_regular  [18.7 px]:    388 glyphs
  6.38386|D|imgui.fonts|  - notosans_sc_regular  [18.7 px]:   3220 glyphs
  6.38388|D|imgui.fonts|  - notosans_tc_regular  [18.7 px]:  16064 glyphs
  6.38389|D|imgui.fonts|  - prompt_regular       [18.7 px]:    299 glyphs
  6.38390|D|imgui.fonts|  - robotomono_regular   [18.7 px]:    460 glyphs
  6.38393|D|imgui.fonts| 25300 glyphs totally
  6.38643|E|getMonitorDPI| Failed to get dpi scale for Monitor 0
  6.84684|E|GELua.lightManager| Failed to init default system:
 10.09622|I|GELua.main| ============== Engine initialized ==============

But after Engine initialized line it immediately returns to bash, without any crashes (at first sight at least). Im looking into it, but not sure if i could get more info about such behaviour. At the moment im worried about 2 pre-last lines with errors.

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

Try to run with BOX64_SHOWBT=1 in case there is a segfault trapped by the game itself.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago

Unfortunately it didn't change the output. No extra information.

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

You might need to redirect the output of box64 also, use BOX64_LOG=1 BOX64_SHOWBT=1 BOX64_TRACE_FILE=log.txt for example.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 6 months ago


Debug level is 1
Dynarec will not try to make big block
Dynarec will try to normalize generated NAN
Dynarec will play moderatly safe with x64 flags
Dynarec will not optimize CALL/RET
Allow missing needed libs
Show a Backtrace when a Segfault signal is caught
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL SHA1 SHA2 PageSize:4096 Running on unknown aarch64 cpu with 8 Cores
Params database has 48 entries
Using bash "/opt/box64_bash"
BOX64: Didn't detect 48bits of address space, considering it's 39bits
Counted 44 Env var
BOX64 LIB PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/:/usr/games/:/usr/local/games/:/snap/bin/:/opt/wine/bin/
Looking for v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Rename process to ""
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
libcef detected, using malloc_hack_2
Redirecting overridden malloc from symtab function for /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Warning: Global Symbol _ZN9__gnu_cxx21zoneinfo_dir_overrideEv not found, cannot apply R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT @0x3f0e24e268 ((nil)) in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Error loading needed lib
Warning: Cannot dlopen(""/0x3f0489ec5c, 1)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using emulated /root/ v20.12.2023/BinLinux/
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)

Terminal output is still the same.

ptitSeb commented 6 months ago

Meh, so no error, no nothing... and yet it just exit. And you are sure this version should work? Is there some command line option on BeamNG to get a verbose start or something like that maybe?

Hacker1245 commented 6 months ago

And you are sure this version should work?

Yeah it should work.

thanone2 commented 4 months ago

did it work? if not maybe it crashed? because it takes quite a lot of power to run, even my rtx 1080 has a hard time rendering it.

Hacker1245 commented 4 months ago

did it work? if not maybe it crashed? because it takes quite a lot of power to run, even my rtx 1080 has a hard time rendering it.

on ARM, not yet. And I don't think it makes sense to test the current version as even on x86 Linux it has issues currently.

BlueGradientHorizon commented 4 months ago

The behavior is slightly changed - now after Engine initialized line comes another line. It can be malloc_consolidate(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected or corrupted double-linked list. For me, the first variant was printed only once in the first launch attempt. In all subsequent launch attempts the second line is appearing in the terminal.

Hacker1245 commented 3 months ago

All signs point to 0.32 having native Linux fixes so it could be worth to retest once that releases.