ptitSeb / box86-compatibility-list

Box86 Compatibility List (Games and Software)
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Red Alert 2 #44

Open shouhuanxiaoji opened 3 years ago

shouhuanxiaoji commented 3 years ago

截图录屏_deepin-movie_20201113144515 Operating System: UOS on ARM64 arch: aarch64 process: using debootstrap make an debian buster armhf chroot and build the box86,then use proton 3.7 to run Red Alert 2,because my game is chinese version, I also fix some Windows registry.

it looks like mostly perfect.

nn-firc commented 3 years ago


tank888888 commented 3 years ago

怎么样在ARM64 安装 box86。我编译老是失败

ptitSeb commented 3 years ago

(I don't speak or read chinese, but google translate did a good job translating it)

You need to install multiarch armhf. box86 is a 32bits exclusively. Once multiarch is installed, you need to add gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf and then you can use the "RK3399" profile with cmake to build. (It's not really plug'n play, I know)

tank888888 commented 3 years ago

Thank you

brightentayle commented 3 years ago

Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2 and mods of both aren't running perfectly due to frozen video in the menus. Tested on Raspberry Pi 400 with the latest Box86 and Wine 5.13.

I have to navigate the menus blindly in order to actually get to the gameplay. Not to mention that during gameplay, the cursor keeps constantly flickering.

NoozAbooz commented 3 years ago

怎么样在ARM64 安装 box86。我编译老是失败


ptitSeb commented 3 years ago

Please don't do advertisement @mobilegmYT People are here to learn how to do things and how things works. Using that kind of apps defeat that purpose (also, that app is not safe to use)

NoozAbooz commented 3 years ago

Please don't do advertisement @mobilegmYT People are here to learn how to do things and how things works. Using that kind of apps defeat that purpose (also, that app is not safe to use)

Sorry, but I mean pi-apps does have the arm64 debs in it for box64 with multiarch...

ptitSeb commented 3 years ago

no it doesn't. I does have box86 debs, but again, not understanding the installation process is not the point (like, the debs will be uninstalled if qemu-user is installed for example).

kero990 commented 2 years ago

同样是来自中国的玩家,同样的ft2000 cpu,uos(基于debian10) 由于它是一台pc,而不是树莓派或者其他开发板,所以性能明显要强于树莓派(war3这台机器上满速运行,跟在win上完全没有任何区别)

关于ra2,如果你启用了cnc-ddraw补丁,你会丢失所有的菜单gui显示,包括主菜单和游戏内按esc的菜单,绝大部分游戏gui都会丢失,但相应的,进入游戏后没有任何问题,包括过场动画都很完美。 而如果不使用cnc-ddraw,那么要么黑屏,要么游戏速度及其缓慢(而且需要精心调制的wine环境)

在wine项目中,推荐的运行环境就是cnc-ddraw,我不知道该把这个问题反馈给ddraw还是你们,但同样的环境我在x86-x64的ubuntu上是没有问题的,并不会丢失菜单。类似的问题还有在Diablo II 上,只要点开人物4个属性加点的时候就会立刻崩溃,同样是cnc-ddraw。


附上google translate: The same player from China, the same ft2000 cpu, uos (based on debian10) Since it is a PC, not a Raspberry Pi or other development board, its performance is obviously stronger than that of the Raspberry Pi (the war3 machine runs at full speed, which is no different from win )

Regarding ra2, if you enable the cnc-ddraw patch, you will lose all the menu gui display, including the main menu and the menu by pressing esc in the game, most of the game gui will be lost, but correspondingly, there is no problem after entering the game , including the cutscenes are perfect. And if you don't use cnc-ddraw, then either the screen is black, or the game speed is extremely slow (and requires a carefully tuned wine environment)

In the wine project, the recommended running environment is cnc-ddraw. I don't know whether to report this problem to ddraw or you, but I have no problem with the same environment on ubuntu of x86-x64, and the menu will not be lost. There is a similar problem on Diablo II, as long as you click on the 4 attributes of the character to add points, it will crash immediately, the same is cnc-ddraw.

Finally, I'm a linux novice, my arm64 obviously can't call any gpu in the 32-bit environment of box86, is there a way to use box86 on arm64 to make gpu participate?

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ptitSeb commented 2 years ago

I'll try to take a look at the cnc-draw issue later (if you can open a specific bug in box86 github). Same for Diable2, open a bug in box86 github

About hardware acceleration, I don't remember if uos have multiarch (does sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf works?)

kero990 commented 2 years ago

稍后我将尝试查看 cnc-draw 问题(如果您可以在 box86 github 中打开特定的错误)。 Diable2 也一样,在 box86 github 中打开一个 bug

关于硬件加速,我不记得 uos 是否有 multiarch(sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf有效吗?)

thank you very much for checking out ddraw In addition, I executed sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf, it seems to be successful, but the uos repository does not have any armhf package, so apt update will not succeed. The box86/64+wine I use is another Chinese friend who localized Lutris and has box86/64 built in, so maybe it's already a complete multiarch environment. I was wondering how can I confirm if the box86 has hardware acceleration enabled? I also don't know if there is a 32-bit driver. This machine is customized, and there is no corresponding armhf version, so both software and hardware are only arm64.

ptitSeb commented 2 years ago

Try a simple windows opengl software, like wglgears? Or some old games like quake2 or quake3 (or M.D.K. 2) that will be opengl.

shouhuanxiaoji commented 2 years ago


kero990 commented 2 years ago


我对linux的驱动了解有限,所以我不太清楚都需要哪些驱动,在跑war3时,曾经有个版本(是的,就是必须手动-opgl才能运行,我不知道这算不算有gpu参与。但我在尝试运行类似极品飞车9,三国无双4这类游戏时都无法启动,而这些古老游戏在x86 linux只使用wine的时候都是很完美的。 还有就是war3无论在lutris是否开启dxvk选项都能运行的很好,但其他程序开启dxvk肯定无法运行。 对了,我的dxvk报错如下: `Start monitoring process.

info: Game: SM4_WIN.exe
info: DXVK: v1.9.2-21-g2e66f45a
info: Found config file: /home/inspur/Downloads/wine/wine2/dxvk.conf
info: Effective configuration:
info: dxgi.nvapiHack = False
info: Built-in extension providers:
info: Win32 WSI
info: OpenVR
info: OpenXR
info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
info: OpenVR: Failed to locate module
info: Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_surface not supported
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'dxvk::DxvkError'
Initial process has exited (return code: 768)
Monitored process exited.
All processes have quit
Exit with return code 768`

kero990 commented 2 years ago



shouhuanxiaoji commented 2 years ago


shouhuanxiaoji commented 2 years ago


kero990 commented 2 years ago


我大概查看了一下现有box86的基本情况。deepin-wine官方的box86是将几个x86运行库打包,以file.7z的形式放进box86同目录, avatar 而winegame是集成到/usr/local/bin,并在/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu下集成了几个库 avatar 但无论哪个,集成的文件都不多,凭这几个文件就足以运行box86吗?是不是我需要将x86的gpu驱动,vulkan驱动之类也放进去呢? 我不知道如何测试我的本地vulkan,也不知道如何测试box86能不能调用vulkan,不过我找到这么一条命令,以在关闭垂直同步的情况下运行glxgear env vblank_mode=0 __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears 在我的电脑上它得到7000+fps,所以我认为显卡至少还是工作的。

shouhuanxiaoji commented 2 years ago

好吧,一个最简单的办法,使用debootstrap构建一个armhf的debian10 chroot环境,然后将/usr/lib和/lib里对应的库复制到你的系统里,就可以了。