ptomasroos / react-native-tab-navigator

A tab bar that switches between scenes, written in JS for cross-platform support
MIT License
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React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child #130

Closed cid8600 closed 7 years ago

cid8600 commented 7 years ago

When I only have one tab, the bar renders fine. If I add another tab, I get the error : React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child

Here is the snippet:

  render() {
    const { selectedTab } = this.state

    return (
                titleStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10}}
                selectedTitleStyle={{marginTop: -1, marginBottom: 6}}
                selected={selectedTab === 'rights'}
                title={selectedTab === 'rights' ? 'RIGHTS' : null}
                renderIcon={() => <Icon containerStyle={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 12}} color={'#5e6977'} name='stop' size={33} />}
                renderSelectedIcon={() => <Icon color={'#6296f9'} name='stop' size={30} />}
                onPress={() => this.navigateToScene_(routes.rights)}>
                titleStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10}}
                selectedTitleStyle={{marginTop: -1, marginBottom: 6}}
                selected={selectedTab === 'home'}
                title={selectedTab === 'home' ? 'HOME' : null}
                renderIcon={() => <Icon containerStyle={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 12}} color={'#5e6977'} name='person' size={33} />}
                renderSelectedIcon={() => <Icon color={'#6296f9'} name='person' size={30} />}
                onPress={() => this.navigateToScene_(routes.rights)}>

Wrapping the <Tab> items in a <View> removes the error, but the items don't show up. screen shot 2017-02-22 at 4 57 17 pm

DavidKongDesheng commented 7 years ago

Same issue here. Using react-native-router-flux handle onPress event.

iptrix commented 7 years ago

Just FYI, your tabs are empty - and the React Native error means that it needs 1 (just and exactly 1) child entry. Make sure you, within each tab, adds a and the error should go away.

`<Tab ...>



or you could use an external component (with import MainView from '..')

`<Tab ..>


kjsmita6 commented 7 years ago

I am getting this same problem, and doing what @iptrix said does nothing, I don't get the error anymore but it stays on the same page and doesn't go to my LoginScreen.

    selected={this.state.selectedTab === 'Login'}
    renderIcon={() => <Image source={require('../img/Home.png')} style={styles.icon} />}
    onPress={() => this.setState({ selectedTab: 'Login' })}>
        <LoginScreen />
farrukhbashir commented 7 years ago

@dragonbanshee can you give the code of tab navigator in react native android.I use the code which is avialabe here but this is not work in react native android

farrukhbashir commented 7 years ago

@cid8600 @DavidKongDesheng @iptrix

ptomasroos commented 7 years ago

Hi there , we'll provide a runnable example in short to help you out getting started.

Lumend commented 7 years ago

must have a child;

ramey502 commented 6 years ago

@dragonbanshee maybe your component is uppercase, and selectedTab is lowercase。it's your careless