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pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener
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ttyrec handler #117

Closed HalosGhost closed 8 years ago

HalosGhost commented 9 years ago

There are a few websites (which are essentially limited pastebins) which have allowed you to upload a session recorded with ttyrec and share it (just like you would share a paste in pb now). The features these sites offer include play/pause/restart (some even include options to make playback faster or slower than real-time) along with the full text of the session being copyable (this should be one of the easiest features considering that the format ttyrec outputs actually includes all the text.

pb, as it does not truly care about what kind of data is pasted to it, an already take ttyrec files as pastes. And users could fetch one of these files and pipe it into ttyplay, but having a handler (similar to the rst handler) that allows for in-browser playback of these pastes could be incredibly helpful.

HalosGhost commented 9 years ago

As a small note of clarification: the rendering does not need to happen on the server side (which, I believe deviates from how the rst/mdown handler is done). The rendering can happen client-side with a JS library, assuming one exists (which seems likely given the availability of this feature in other more limited pastebins).

buhman commented 9 years ago

I re-re-looked at this, and it seems too messy. I would consider contributions or specific suggestions, but I won't be initiating the work on this myself.

buhman commented 8 years ago

asciinema-player added in 6bac61cf526970f5c0244120a9d11effbddce150