ptpb / pb

pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener
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When serving JSON responses, file-too-large should be JSON #135

Closed HalosGhost closed 8 years ago

HalosGhost commented 8 years ago

At the moment, the following is served when a file that is too large is attempted to be uploaded (even if the client specifies to receive JSON):

<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>

As with #134, the issue with this is that the user cannot actually rely on receiving valid JSON which makes the API less predictable and consistent.

buhman commented 8 years ago

That response, as indicated there and in the headers, is from Nginx, not pb.

This can't be fixed without either replacing/modifying nginx, or removing that particular limitation, neither of which are attractive ideas.