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api documentation generator #140

Open buhman opened 8 years ago

buhman commented 8 years ago
00:17:45 buhman fixed
00:18:43 halosghost looks fancy
00:19:19 buhman maybe I should make that a 'show me all the routes'
00:19:25 buhman /lr
00:19:31 halosghost sounds good :)
00:21:17 buhman dude
00:21:22 buhman what if I made the documentation generate itself
00:21:29 buhman then I'd put the method documentation inline
00:21:53 halosghost haha
00:22:08 halosghost that would probably make the docs stay up to date better
00:22:31 buhman then whenver I add a route with no docstring
00:22:38 buhman the generator puts a 'report bug' button there
00:22:49 halosghost :D