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Org mode syntax highlighting #222

Closed kaushalmodi closed 5 years ago

kaushalmodi commented 5 years ago


Org mode ( ) is a "markup" language like Markdown (but better).

Unfortunately, Pygments doesn't support Org mode highlighting; there's an issue open.

But I recently added support for Org mode syntax highlighting to Chroma. It is a Go library for syntax highlighting (equivalent of Pygments in Python), but it also provides a CLI utility.

Here's an example of how the Chroma-highlighted Org mode code block looks -- See the colorful code block at the end of this page.

Is using an external binary to returned colorized HTML something that you would consider?

buhman commented 5 years ago

external binary

Absolutely not :slightly_smiling_face:

kaushalmodi commented 5 years ago

Oh well, I thought, it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thanks :)