ptpb / pb

pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener
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replacing all views / frontend separation / ... #228

Open buhman opened 5 years ago

buhman commented 5 years ago


pb (or at least the "core", whatever that actually is) was originally supposed to not require javascript/client side code execution; this idea was primarily motivated by opinionated #archlinux regulars. By contrast, other implementations like hastebin were considered unusable and/or of a lower caste than the universally bad

Despite this, exists, mostly doesn't work without javascript, and is subjectively quite popular. I think the problem isn't javascript, but badly-performing javascript.

I also wrote elm-ui-test ages ago, which despite the name is actually an incomplete write-side pb client. The main problem that prevented its completion was that it was attempting to design new UI/features that nobody asked for.


On the read side, I'd like to implement:

I'd also like to ideally see either:

While the former is probably the fastest, it sacrifices correctness/completeness. For example, elm-syntax-highlight has 7 lexers currently.

In the latter case, conceivably, there could even be multiple rendering providers/services, written in different languages. This would allow things like #222.

buhman commented 5 years ago

ghcjs + miso or reflex-frp seem like fascinating options. I read ~20 mins introductory material for each:

Haskell also has a much more mature ecosystem, with relevant packages like skylighting