ptpb / pb

pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener
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Can we append to an existing url ? #237

Open kissu opened 5 years ago

kissu commented 5 years ago

Hi ✋, I was wondering if we can somehow append some text to an already existing url (instead of overriding the whole content). :)

buhman commented 5 years ago

This is not a feature that currently exists.

This sounds interesting though; could you explain your use-case?

kissu commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply ! I was asked today to fetch some hardware informations of multiple servers, located in several countries and thus, needed to pass several VPNs (which are non compatible between each others). 🙅‍♂️

So, I ran csshX to connect to a chunk of them. Then I was thinking how could I dump that data as fast as possible somewhere into 1 place, to get a whole list of the servers wo/ the need to install third party packages or any longer solution.

Expected PTPB to allow it since it had the power to update an url thanks to the UUID. At the end of the day, I just copy-pasted the informations of the 30-ish servers by hand... 😓

Would be super nice if you could implement that kind of feature (with some kind of collision-safe functionality to prevent a mix of 30 synchronous append calls I guess).

That way, anybody could export really quickly some infos to the web ! 💪