ptpb / pb

pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener
549 stars 52 forks source link

Site is down #250

Closed worldworm closed 4 years ago

worldworm commented 4 years ago

Does this site relates to your project? It is not available.

If the URL has changed, please open a pull request at or create an issue. Thank you!

glensc commented 4 years ago

@worldworm, yes, it was shut down:

this is also mentioned in project readme:

@buhman: maybe keep that issue open and pinned?

worldworm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer! Is there a plan to open a demo page again in the future? Otherwise I would remove the page from the list and only link to the github repo.

glensc commented 4 years ago

You can read about the plans and future from the issue I linked.

In short, the answer is likely no, as it would be abused by coiners again, be it a demo or actual service.

And I don't get the list then, if there's no public service, the software can't be listed as self-hosted service? And why you need a demo for pastebin-like service? it will be some HTTP service that just responds "URL to use" when you post there.

worldworm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your response.

In short, the answer is likely no, as it would be abused by coiners again, be it a demo or actual service.

Then i will remove the demo link from the list, so that only the github repo link is refering. If a new demo instance will be opened, feel free to reopen this issue or open a pr at awesome-selfhosted

And I don't get the list then, if there's no public service, the software can't be listed as self-hosted service? And why you need a demo for pastebin-like service? it will be some HTTP service that just responds "URL to use" when you post there.

The list provides lots of software that is selfhostable. To get a better understanding there are lots of demo links provided. A better explanation can be found here:

buhman commented 4 years ago

@glensc nice, I didn't know about that feature, thanks!