pts / pdfsizeopt

PDF file size optimizer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Adobe Acrobat Pro displays the image incorrectly #131

Open jul059 opened 4 years ago

jul059 commented 4 years ago

pdfsizeopt on windows completely distorts the image in the sample pdf. It happens at least with the following commands:

--use-image-optimizer=ECT,jbig2 --use-image-optimizer=pngout,jbig2 no commands

sample.pdf sample optimized.pdf

EDIT: after opening the files in my browser, I realize this happens with Adobe Acrobat Pro but not with Chrome or Firefox. Acrobat being a more complete program developed by the inventors of the pdf format, I think this is still a valid issue. Here's what it looks like:


pts commented 1 year ago

The optimized PDF file works for me in Chrome, Firefox, Evince and Ghostscript.

It looks like Adobe Acrobat has a bug rendering the /SMask image. Maybe the bug is related to /Filter/JBIG2Decode.

  1. Does pdfsizeopt --use-jbig2=no fix it for Adobe Acrobat?

  2. Have you tried reporting the bug to Adobe?

jul059 commented 1 year ago

The output is still distorted.

I have not reported it to Adobe. It may also have been fixed in a later version of Adobe Acrobat Pro, is quite old. I don't have access to a newer version.

pts commented 1 year ago

Could you please send me a screenshot of this? sample.nosmask.pdf

jul059 commented 1 year ago

Could you please send me a screenshot of this? sample.nosmask.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Pro image

pts commented 1 year ago

Adobe Acrobat Pro image

Thank you, this is exactly how it looks for me in other viewers (e.g. Chrome).

It looks like that Adobe Acrobat Pro has problems rendering the /SMask image, even if it's not JBig2-encoded.

Could you please upload the output PDF with pdfsizeopt --use-jbig2=no and a screenshot of Adobe Acrobat Pro displaying it?

jul059 commented 1 year ago

With the 2017 binary of pdfsizeopt, it looks exaclty like the screenshot in the first post.

With the latest binary (v7), I get an error and no image is displayed: image

pts commented 1 year ago

Could you please upload the output PDFs you got in ? It's very interesting that that the output of two versions of pdfsizeopt behave differently in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

I have a suspicion on what can cause the problem. I'll give it a try after I get the PDFs. (My suspicion is that for Adobe Acrobat Pro to work, the /BitsPerComponent of the /SMask image must be either 8, or the same as /BitsPerComponent of the source image.)

jul059 commented 1 year ago

sample.pso.v7.pdf sample.pso.v8.pdf

They both display identical results (Comment 131).