ptvoinfo / zigbee-configurable-firmware

PTVO firmware for CC2530, CC2531, and CC2652 Zigbee chips
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Setting brightness via custom converter doesn't work, but default ptvo.switch does #181

Closed mortenmoulder closed 1 year ago

mortenmoulder commented 1 year ago

Really standard LED strip setup with a WS2812b strip:


When using that together with a custom converter for Zigbee2MQTT, I get this UI:


The brightness slider does not work. When I set it to any number, this is what happens:

Debug 2023-02-18 00:33:14Received MQTT message on 'zigbee2mqtt/zig-led-v1/set' with data '{"brightness_l1":63}'
Debug 2023-02-18 00:33:14Publishing 'set' 'brightness' to 'zig-led-v1'
Info 2023-02-18 00:33:14MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/zig-led-v1', payload '{"brightness_l1":39,"color":{"x":0.1724,"y":0.7468},"color_mode":"xy","device":{"applicationVersion":1,"dateCode":"2023-02-18","friendlyName":"zig-led-v1","hardwareVersion":1,"ieeeAddr":"0x00124b002a5f2ea8","manufacturerID":4447,"manufacturerName":"","model":"zig-led-v1","networkAddress":22024,"powerSource":"Mains (single phase)","softwareBuildID":"2023-02-18","stackVersion":1,"type":"EndDevice","zclVersion":1},"l2":0,"l3":1,"l4":10,"last_seen":"2023-02-18T00:33:14+01:00","linkquality":153,"state_l1":"ON","state_l2":"OFF","state_l3":"OFF"}'

However, when I just use the default ptvo.switch custom converter, the MQTT command is:

topic: zigbee2mqtt/0x00124b002a5f2ea8/set
payload: {"l3":255}

And that works. I just input 255 in the UI like this (it should be off, but the device is disconnected):


Is this a bug in the "Save custom converter" functionality, or am I just supposed to write my own converter? 😄

ptvoinfo commented 1 year ago

L3 is designed to automatically change brightness. When you write the analog value to L3, you change an interval.

You should change the brightness on L1. Can you change a color there?