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The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of VirtualBox (version 5) #300

Closed rreben closed 8 years ago

rreben commented 8 years ago

After installing vagrant and VirtualBox (version 5.0.22). I get an error:

The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of VirtualBox. The virtual mashine is started and I can login to this virualbox instance. However the IPython Notebook will not start.

I tried to use vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest. It leads to a lot of updates, however in the end runs into fatal errors.

I tried to insall an old 4.2. version of VirtualBox, however this is not support by the newest MacOS. So I am stuck.

Help appreciated.

Best regards Rupert

rreben commented 8 years ago

Tried it again with VirtualBox 4.3 unfortunately the same result. vagrantandvirtualboxnotcompatible

rreben commented 8 years ago

I am on a Mac OSX 10.11.5. Virtualbox 4.2.x will not install on this OSX.

rreben commented 8 years ago

I tried another box by. Changing the vagrant file: = "ubuntu/trusty64" = "precise64"

Now the provisioning starts. However I get an error that the python configuration scripts are outdated.

rreben commented 8 years ago

I did some updates. And though it is not a complete move to current versions, at least most of the ipython notebooks are working now.

rreben commented 8 years ago

Her is the fork