ptwobrussell / Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition

The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly, 2013)
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EASY fix for all (at least, it should be the quickest way to get going these days) #319

Open bezoris opened 7 years ago

bezoris commented 7 years ago

A few things have broken in the years since this excellent book was released. After quite a bit of fiddling, the following is the easiest way I've found to get up and running.

First off: forget about the VM, configuring vagrant, ssh, installing pip, etc. There is an easier way...

1) Head over to, the new iteration of the old 'iPython Notebook.' 2) As recommended, install 'Anaconda.' Either via download or package manager (mine, AUR, is on version 4.2 as of this date). 3) Install git if you haven't already and clone Matt's repo: 4) Initialize Anaconda [ source /opt/anaconda/bin/activate root ] and start the Jupyter server [ jupyter notebook ]. 5) Bring up a browser: localhost:8888 -- J-Notebook should load and show your home file system. 6) All Appendix items and Recipes are in ~/.Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition/ipynb/

Best, Chris.

rreben commented 7 years ago

@bezoris Thx!

This is an easy way to go!

Alternatively use basket4py to start anaconda and jupyter from a virtual guest machine via vagrant. Then just copy the notebooks (.ipynb - files) to the root directory.

pseudostormy commented 6 years ago

I worked for several hours trying to get everything up and running and this was solution that I was finally able to implement. Thank you!