ptwobrussell / Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition

The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly, 2013)
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Ubuntu 16.04 Chev never successfully completed! #320

Open Alhpa opened 7 years ago

Alhpa commented 7 years ago

I installed Virtualbox and Vagrant today (2017/02/04). And cloned the git repository for MiningTheSocialWEb2E. But when I run "vagrant up" I get the following error towards the end (quoted in the end). From what I understand it the error is in "install-pip". And it wants be to do something from But I have no clue what i am supposed to do from there. It looks like code for pip. But beyond that I am stuck. Could you hlep please?!!

.... .... ==> default: /usr/bin/chef-solo:57:in load' ==> default: /usr/bin/chef-solo:57:in

' ==> default: [2017-02-05T02:15:27+00:00] ERROR: execute[install-pip] (python::pip line 56) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' ==> default: ---- Begin output of /usr/bin/python ==> default: ---- ==> default: STDOUT: ==> default: STDERR: You're using an outdated location for the script, please use the one available from ==> default: ---- End output of /usr/bin/python ==> default: ---- ==> default: Ran /usr/bin/python ==> default: returned 1 ==> default: [2017-02-05T02:15:27+00:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1) Chef never successfully completed! Any errors should be visible in the output above. Please fix your recipes so that they properly complete.

ShadySQL commented 7 years ago

Same here. I think the run list is not properly set. I'll propose a fix soon