ptwobrussell / Mining-the-Social-Web

The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web (O'Reilly, 2011)
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Example 7. Standardizing common job titles and computing their frequencies #65

Open dagsonpatrick opened 11 years ago

dagsonpatrick commented 11 years ago

Hi guys

Anyone know informs me about this error below?

I am using the prettytable 0.7.2

Example 6 did and it worked perfectly...


Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Dagson\Desktop\TCC-Pratica\", line 55, in print pt File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 240, in str return self.unicode().encode(self.encoding) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 243, in unicode return self.get_string() File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 987, in get_string formatted_rows = self._format_rows(rows, options) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 942, in _format_rows return [self._format_row(row, options) for row in rows] File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 939, in _format_row return [self._format_value(field, value) for (field, value) in zip(self._field_names, row)] File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 890, in _format_value return self._unicode(value) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\prettytable-0.7.2-py2.7.egg\", line 181, in _unicode value = unicode(value, self.encoding, "strict") File "C:\Python27\lib\encodings\", line 16, in decode return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True) UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 6: invalid continuation byte