ptwobrussell / Mining-the-Social-Web

The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web (O'Reilly, 2011)
1.21k stars 491 forks source link #69

Closed dagsonpatrick closed 10 years ago

dagsonpatrick commented 10 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Dagson\Desktop\TCC-Pratica\Facebook\", line 122, in 'out/jit') File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 168, in copytree names = os.listdir(src) WindowsError: [Error 3] O sistema não conseguiu localizar o caminho especificado: '../webcode/jit/._'

line 119 shutil.rmtree('out/jit', ignore_errors=True)

line 121 shutil.copytree('../web_code/jit',

line 122 'out/jit')

I'm not able to fix this error, I downloaded the 3 files located in link, I would know better about this function giving this error.

thank you

ptwobrussell commented 10 years ago

Can you confirm that you are working from a source code checkout of the entire GitHub repository and not just picking off a few files at a time? It appears at first glance that some required files are missing which is triggering an error during a file copy.

dagsonpatrick commented 10 years ago



I am working with local code.

Steps I follow to run the example

1ª downloaded the file

2ª downloaded the following files to the same directory on my local machine

rgraph.css rgraph.html rgraph.js

the three above any files located in this

3ª modified the HTML_TEMPLATE = 'C: \ Users \ Dagson \ Desktop \ TCC-Practice \ Facebook \ jit \ rgraph.html'

shutil.rmtree ('out / jit' ignore_errors = True)

shutil.copytree ('.. / web_code / jit'                  'out / jit')

note: I have done the previous examples the book and the chapter and got success ...

dagsonpatrick commented 10 years ago



example corrected

In my case the file was missing javascript "jit.js" on the local machine in a directory above.

thank you

ptwobrussell commented 10 years ago

Glad to hear it. I think I've mentioned this before, but you really should be working from a full download of the entire source code archive. Either do a git clone on the repository or download the latest zip archive to save yourself some of these problems in the future. Have fun!