ptwobrussell / Mining-the-Social-Web

The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web (O'Reilly, 2011)
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chapter 2 and there's a glitch: ImportError: No module named facebook #76

Closed rkallon closed 10 years ago

rkallon commented 10 years ago

import facebook # pip install facebook-sdk import json

A helper function to pretty-print Python objects as JSON

def pp(o): print json.dumps(o, indent=1)

Create a connection to the Graph API with your access token

g = facebook.GraphAPI(ACCESS_TOKEN)

Execute a few sample queries

print '---------------' print 'Me' print '---------------' pp(g.get_object('me')) print print '---------------' print 'My Friends' print '---------------' pp(g.get_connections('me', 'friends')) print print '---------------' print 'Social Web' print '---------------' pp(g.request("search", {'q' : 'social web', 'type' : 'page'}))

rkallon commented 10 years ago

keep getting this error: ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () ----> 1 import facebook # pip install facebook-sdk 2 import json 3 4 # A helper function to pretty-print Python objects as JSON 5 ImportError: No module named facebook
rkallon commented 10 years ago

sorry about the bad format... help needed!

ptwobrussell commented 10 years ago

A couple of quick questions:

Are you using the virtual machine yet, are you trying to run this Chapter 2 notebook on Wakari, or are you running it locally on your machine with an IPython Notebook sever? This is an important detail in terms of moving forward.

In terms of the root issue, note the instructions to install the "facebook" package with pip by typing "pip install facebook-sdk". If you don't yet know about pip, you'll want to read about it here - - or search for it and do a little bit of research. It's a common Python tool that you will need to use to install 3rd party packages.

The way the book is designed, I need to try and funnel everyone onto the VM platform so that I can better support them, but since you are still based out of China, you are likely to experience the same kinds of firewall issues that you did with the Twitter package, and I'm more than happy to help you find creative ways to work around the constraints.

However, realize that you'll also have to work with me here to do a little homework along the way since there will be a bit of learning curve involved if you're not yet a Python programmer. I'm gathering so far that you are looking for some quick fixes, but the truth of the matter is that learning to program will take a little bit of investment, so give yourself enough breathing room to work through things and really grok the underlying concepts.

rkallon commented 10 years ago

I'm running chap 2 on wakari. I'll find the pip article and get familiar with it.

I ran the first example on wakari and there was no problem... I'm also doing a python tutorial... I'm in for the long haul and I'm following the concepts. capture capture2

ptwobrussell commented 10 years ago

Sounds good.

The fundamental concept that you're missing here is what the "import" statement does and how certain packages that are imported are already packaged with Python as part of its standard library versus which packages are 3rd party packages that need to be installed...with pip being a tool that is essentially the defacto standard for installing Python packages at this point.


rkallon commented 10 years ago

forgive my ignorance... i read somewhere that i can open a shell terminal in wakari and install a module i need that wakari doesn't include as a default... Looking it up, will report back ASAP.

ptwobrussell commented 10 years ago

Use "Bash magic"

If the first line if the cell is "%%bash" you can run standard shell commands, including pip, just like in a terminal

On Jan 14, 2014, at 1:06 PM, rkallon wrote:

forgive my ignorance... i read somewhere that i can open a shell terminal in wakari and install a module i need that wakari doesn't include as a default... Looking it up, will report back ASAP.

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rkallon commented 10 years ago

worked! thanks for your patience...

ptwobrussell commented 10 years ago

My pleasure. Glad to help you in any way that I can...

On Jan 14, 2014, at 1:43 PM, rkallon wrote:

worked! thanks for your patience...

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