ptx2 / gymnasticon

Make obsolete and/or proprietary exercise bikes work with popular cycling training apps like Zwift, TrainerRoad, Rouvy and more.
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Feature request: Support for FTMS bike #34

Closed chriselsen closed 3 years ago

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

It would be great if Gymnasticon could support generic FTMS (Fitness Training Machine Service) enabled bike trainer as a source.

While these bike trainer can connect directly to Zwift via these BLE services, there are two reasons why you might still want to put Gymnasticon in between:

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

It should be easy enough to add support for BLE CPS as a bike/source.

I haven't read that thread yet but if it's possible to identify these bikes by their BLE manufacturer info or advertising name, and if they are typically always off by the same amount (?) Gymnasticon could use suitable default power adjustment values for these bikes automatically to save the user from manual configuration.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Here is a BLE scan log file for the Bowflex C6: LBX_LOGS_2021-01-31_11-04.txt

And here are some screenshots to go along with it: Screenshot_20210131-110532 Screenshot_20210131-110558 Screenshot_20210131-110627

Any other way I can help make this work?

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Ah so is there no 1818 service (CPS) but there is a FTMS service. I guess it reports power and cadence via the Fitness Machine Service Indoor Bike Data characteristic.

It would be helpful to see a log of Indoor Bike Characteristic notification values for a few seconds of riding if possible.

Also do you have a ballpark idea what kind of correction needs to be applied (e.g. watts is always 20% too high) and does it vary (much) from one bike to the next?

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Yes, you're right. Just noticed that as well. Maybe the type of bike should be called "ftms" because of that. ;-) Unfortunately each bike's power value is off. I'm trying to figure out a way to see if one can determine how much their own bike is off. But until then I would just pass through the values.

Here are two log files for the FTMS notify on power, cadence and for the 2nd file also with heart rate.

Without heart rate: LBX_LOGS_2021-01-31_11-59.txt

With heart rate: LBX_LOGS_2021-01-31_12-02.txt

The following devices can successfully pick up that data (only one at a time):

A Garmin Fenix 5+ watch can pick up the cadence, but not the power values. But that issue is on Garmin.

Let me know if there is anything else I can provide.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Here are two additional interesting resources that might help:

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

I'm a bit stuck here: Looking at the logs output above I expect the power output (and most likely also the cadence) inside the FTMS service at serviceUUID 1826 and characteristicUUID 2ad2, available via notify.

Now I wrote a basic test script to get a dump of the data and see what's actually included:

var noble = require('@abandonware/noble');

noble.on('stateChange', function(state) {
  if (state === 'poweredOn') {
  } else {

noble.on('discover', function(peripheral) {
  // Once peripheral is discovered, stop scanning

    var serviceUUID = ["1826"];
    var characteristicUUID = ["2ad2"];

    // use noble's discoverSomeServicesAndCharacteristics
    // scoped to the heart rate service and measurement characteristic
    peripheral.discoverSomeServicesAndCharacteristics(serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, function(error, services, characteristics){
      characteristics[0].notify(true, function(error){
        characteristics[0].on('data', function(data, isNotification){
          console.log('data is: ' + data);

But that script just hangs and doesn't output anything. If I change the serviceUUID to 180d and characteristicUUID to 2a37 for Heartrate monitor, I do see my heartrate with a corresponding sensor.

Also tried serviceUUID to 1816 and characteristicUUID to 2a5b for cadence, but that didn't output anything either.

For power and cadence I can see on the bike that noble is connecting via bluetooth and if I add a console.log(characteristics[0]); I can see that I'm connected and the characteristics exist.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like I'm hitting this noble bug.

I installed the mentioned node-ble on the same device and ran the following simple test script:


const { createBluetooth } = require('.')

async function main () {
  const { bluetooth, destroy } = createBluetooth()

  // get bluetooth adapter
  const adapter = await bluetooth.defaultAdapter()
  await adapter.startDiscovery()

  // get device and connect
  const device = await adapter.waitDevice(TEST_DEVICE)
  console.log('got device', await device.getAddress(), await device.getName())
  await device.connect()

  const gattServer = await device.gatt()

  // subscribe characteristic
  const service2 = await gattServer.getPrimaryService(TEST_NOTIFY_SERVICE)
  const characteristic2 = await service2.getCharacteristic(TEST_NOTIFY_CHARACTERISTIC)
  await characteristic2.startNotifications()
   while (true) {
    await new Promise(done => {
      characteristic2.once('valuechanged', buffer => {
        console.log('subscription', buffer)

  await characteristic2.stopNotifications()


The output was then as expected:

got device EF:4F:1E:1F:49:F6 IC Bike
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 14 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 14 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 00 00 14 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 18 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 18 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 18 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 1c 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 1c 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 20 00 08 00 00>
subscription <Buffer 44 02 da 02 20 00 0b 00 00>
ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Interesting! Are you able to grab btsnoop logs for the entire duration of each script so we can compare what's going on?


btmon -w noble.log
# run noble script

btmon -w node-ble.log
# run node-ble script
chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Here are the two files: noble.log node-ble.log

It seems that noble isn't even subscribing to the notify. At least I couldn't see any notify messages in the btmon log.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

I also managed to decipher the values that are provided via serviceUUID 1826 and characteristicUUID 2ad2:

  console.log('Power: ', buffer.readInt16LE(6))
  console.log('Cadence: ', buffer.readUInt16LE(4)/2)
  console.log('Speed: ', buffer.readUInt16LE(2)/100)
  console.log('Heart Rate: ', buffer.readInt8(8))

Output (without the HR monitor connected): Power: 13 Cadence: 18 Speed: 9.1 Heart Rate: 0 The speed value is shown as a numerical value on the console and matches. The cadence is only shown as a rough bar, but still matches more or less. Power goes up, when I increase resistance (while maintaining cadence). So that makes sense as well.

But it doesn't see to match the GATT spec, which is very confusing.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

That is confusing! It looks like some of the flags are the wrong way around in that XML. This one looks right though? Flags bit 2 is instantaneous cadence there which seems to line up with the data.

I just tried looking at the btmon logs but doesn't look like the entire connection is captured. Do you think you could grab both logs again but restart bluetoothd before running each script to clear out any internal state? It might also be useful to capture the noble debug logs at the same time by running with DEBUG=*

e.g. for each script

# run script.js twice for max 15 seconds each
# save btmon to btmon.log and node debug logs to debug1.txt and debug2.txt

btmon -w btmon.log &
systemctl stop bluetooth
systemctl start bluetooth
DEBUG=* timeout 15 node script.js 2>&1 |tee debug1.txt
DEBUG=* timeout 15 node script.js 2>&1 |tee debug2.txt
kill %1

If all goes well, btmon -r btmon.log will list the LE Create Connection HCI Command/Events and ACL Data RX/TX showing the service/characteristic discovery, the attempt at enabling notifications (maybe), etc.

BTW the snippet runs the script twice b/c I was getting pretty consistent connection failures the very first time I ran the noble script after restarting bluetoothd.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Here are the two debug files for the noble script: debug1.txt debug2.txt

Did you also want them for the node-ble script?

I tried to write an "icbike" implementation using node-ble, but I have a hard time figuring out how to use node-ble with async in the OO model of node js.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

For the format: The most confusing part is that when I convert the "capabilities" part 0x4402 of the data string to binary, there are only 3 bits set. But I'm getting 4 different values out of the data. That's the part that I can't wrap my head around. At least the description of how long each value is was correct. Therefore the trial and error search wasn't too bad.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Ah I see what you mean. I think it's because C1 (Instantaneous Speed) is required when bit 0 is 0. Whereas the others are required when their respective bits are 1. Which is indeed confusing :-)

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

I think it's because C1 (Instantaneous Speed) is required when bit 0 is 0. Ha! That explains it. Nice.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

All good on the node debug logs, thanks! Do you have the updated btmon.log also with the bluetoothd restart? It'd be great to get that one for both noble and node-ble to compare.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Sure. Here is the btmon.log for noble that I forgot: btmon.log

And here are the 3 logs for the Node-BLE version: debug-node-ble1.txt debug-node-ble2.txt node-ble-btmon.log

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

btmon.log looks good! Can you do another node-ble-btmon.log? It looks like it's still missing some stuff. If it captures everything including the bluetoothd restart there should be a line like = bluetoothd: Terminating in the output:

$ btmon -r btmon.log |grep 'Terminating'
= bluetoothd: Terminating
$ btmon -r node-ble-btmon.log |grep 'Terminating'
chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Just killed my dev install, trying this: Will have to build a new image. Give me 30 minutes or so.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Ok I have to run. Curious to know how that firmware downgrade goes, good luck!

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

OK, here is a new run for the Node-BLE version: node-ble-btmon.log node-ble-debug1.txt node-ble-debug2.txt

The Firmware upgrade didn't bring the expected result. Couldn't get the Bluetooth stack back working. So I had to re-image the Pi.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

FYI: Also ran the above mentioned noble based node script on an older Raspberry, one with external Bluetooth USB dongle. Same result. Therefore I don't think this is a HW / Firmware issue.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Hey, I just had a look over those logs.

The btmon.log shows noble sending a Read By Type Request for the CCCD descriptor. The next step if it received a response would be to write to that descriptor to enable notify on the indoor bike data characteristic. But the response never comes and it just sits there waiting until the script timeout is reached. I was expecting to see this same exchange happen successfully in the node-ble.log but I couldn't see it in there.

One difference in these logs is the connection parameters. I doubt it's the issue but I pushed up a branch that attempts to update the connection parameters after connecting:

So some things to try:

1) Try 2) Try with this line commented out (npm run build after edit) 3) Run gymnasticon in bot mode and modify your node-ble script to send power/cadence to gymnasticon over UDP e.g.

# run gymnasticon in bot mode, listen for power/cadence on udp/3000, scale power by 0.8 before forwarding it on
gymnasticon --bike bot --bot-power 0 --bot-cadence 0 --bot-host 127.0.01 --bot-port 3000 --power-scale 0.8

# update the cadence/power by sending JSON over UDP
echo '{"cadence": 100, "power": 300}' |nc -uw0 3000

We could just use node-ble of course but would like to see if the noble issue is fixable first before adding another dependency (still need noble for non-Linux platforms, and still need bleno on all platforms for peripheral role support). To that end, I've ordered some BLE chips, based on reports in that noble ticket, that will hopefully let me reproduce the issue here.

But who knows, maybe this long shot works? :-)

chriselsen commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much for looking into this.

I tried #41, but unfortunately without success: Gymnasticon basically hangs the same way it does in the test script. Also I ported your hcitool changes into the small test script that I was using:

var noble = require('@abandonware/noble');
var child = require('child_process');

noble.on('stateChange', function(state) {
  if (state === 'poweredOn') {
  } else {

noble.on('discover', function(peripheral) {
  console.log('Device discovered...');

    var serviceUUID = ["1826"];
    var characteristicUUID = ["2ad2"];

    const handle = peripheral._noble._bindings._handles[peripheral.uuid];
    const minInterval = 24*1.25;
    const maxInterval = 40*1.25;
    const latency = 0;
    const supervisionTimeout = 420;
    const cmd = '/usr/bin/hcitool'
    const args = [
      '--handle', `${handle}`,
      '--min', `${Math.floor(minInterval/1.25)}`,
      '--max', `${Math.floor(maxInterval/1.25)}`,
      '--latency', '0',
      '--timeout', `${Math.floor(supervisionTimeout/10)}`,
    child.execFileSync(cmd, args);

    peripheral.discoverSomeServicesAndCharacteristics(serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, function(error, services, characteristics){
      console.log('Discovering services...');
      characteristics[0].notify(true, function(error){
        console.log('Subscribing to services...');
        characteristics[0].on('data', function(data, isNotification){
          console.log('data is: ' + data);
          var power = buffer.readInt16LE(6);
          var cadence = buffer.readUInt16LE(4)/2;
          var speed = buffer.readUInt16LE(2)/100;
          var heartrate = buffer.readInt8(8);
          var datajson = '{ power: ' + power + ', cadence: ' + cadence + ' }';

Same issues still persists. Commenting out the call to the hcitool in #41 then also didn't work.

You said that noble hangs after sending a Read By Type Request for the CCCD descriptor, because it's not receiving a response. Does node-ble just write to that descriptor without reading it first? Would it make sense to change noble, so that it doesn't attempt to read (validate) first, but write right away.

Yesterday I implemented your 3. proposal above of using the "bot mode". But along the way I learned that it has some caveats:

Next I'll either try to "harden" the node-ble based client, or port it to Python or alike. But I agree that getting this running inside of Gymnasticon with noble would be best.

Let me know if there is anything I can provide / help from my side.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Would it make sense to change noble, so that it doesn't attempt to read (validate) first, but write right away.

Good idea! I pushed up a change to that same branch with two possible workarounds to try.

chriselsen commented 3 years ago


That worked! I only tried option 1, but with it I was able to connect to the IC bike and get data out of it. Did a short 2 minute test run and data flowed IC-Bike -> Gymnasticon -> Zwift | Garmin. Also waited for the IC Bike to back to sleep and after waking up the bike again, Gymnasticon reconnected without a problem. From my side everything is working.

Thanks so much for the help and great work on this!

Now I'll play around with the offset function in Gymnasticon. But my initial research shows that my bike is only about 5% off, while I've see reports from others where the reported power values were double of what they should be.

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Great news! Glad to hear it survived a sleep/wake. Thanks for the help finding and fixing this :-)

ptx2 commented 3 years ago

Added in #41.