puavo-org / puavo-os

Puavo OS is an disk image based operating system that is built from Debian GNU/Linux and is specifically designed for learning.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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LibreOffice in Puavo #708

Open ralf-krause opened 1 month ago

ralf-krause commented 1 month ago

Dear Puavo developers, I found LibreOffice 24.2 in the Puavo Bookworm image "Cesium". This was very nice! Why did you go back to LibreOffice 7.4.7 in the current Puavo Bookworm image "Fermium"? LibreOffice recommends using 7.6.7 for conservative users and 24.2.3 for technology enthusiasts and pioneers. Puavo Bookworm will run two years or more so you could start with LibreOffice 24.2.3. Best regards, Ralf

asokero commented 3 weeks ago

Hey Ralf,

This is apparently due to some big general cleanup work in the previous image that seemed to take a little too much along other changes. We'll take a look at this in the upcoming days.