pub trivia logo is pixelated but avatars are sharp
red circle on add phone numbers the - doesn't seem centered
on mobile the phone number blue + button is a little squished
when you've created a question on your profile the question you made just shows the category but isn't very specific.
validating email
forgotten password
correct error messages during login signup
if you try to sign up with a previously used email it takes two or more tries to get an error message
after signup go somewhere more friendly than the login page - the profile page?
safari issues
before adding phone number shouldn't have placeholder phone number - looks chunky
once timer expires sometimes can still make timer selections
on small devices you can't see timer and scoretrack at the same time
winner screen on small screen isn't centered
loooooooong passwords?
interesting bahaviour: when I submitted a question, the"Save Question" button turns purple. No problem there.
if I scroll up or down, the colour of the button changes back to teal, but only if I scroll/swipe using my finger on the screen below the horizontal break just after the Romania line. If I scroll w finger above that line, the button colour never changes back to teal and stays purple. (from what I can tell on mobile)
create a question you can add an empty question or a question with all the same answers.
why no tech/culture/politics/language questions
true/false create a question neither answer is required to save!
create a question wording: "Question", or sentence-like "What is the correct answer" but not both.
Could just be "Correct Answer"
radio true false button jumps when clicked
international phone numbers
why is 5 the minimum number of questions
menu on mobile the teal overlaps the teal of the logo and the menu items are different sizes. Also they don't disappear when you expect them to
@gmail is a bad convention - makes people think they might need a google email to use
if you choose a color before the avatar the avatar jumps back to default colour
"Question", or sentence-like "What is the correct answer" but not both.
Could just be "Correct Answer"
the input field hints also have different capitalization formats - one only capitalizes the first word, - the other capitalizes every word. on the start a game or play now screen