pubgrub-rs / pubgrub

PubGrub version solving algorithm implemented in Rust
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feat: add a `simplify` for error messages #156

Closed Eh2406 closed 7 months ago

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

Ranges generated by PubGrub often end up being verbose and pedantic about versions that do not matter. To take an example from #155 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 could be more concisely stated as >=2, <=5 given that it's not possible to have versions in between the integers. More generally it could be expressed as >=2, if the list of available versions were taken into account.

The logic for simplifying a VS given a complete set of versions feels like it should be simple. But it is trickier to implement than I expected. Especially if you want to guarantee O(len(VS) + len(versions)) time and O(1) allocations.

While working through the logic I had to implement a check which versions match from a list in O(len(VS) + len(versions)) time, which felt useful enough to be worth including in the API. In implementing that I noticed that our implementation of contains, did not aggressively short-circuit. The short-circuiting implementation is just as easy to read, so I decided to include that as well.

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

cc @zanieb, I think this can be used to dramatically improve your error messages.

cc @baszalmstra I don't know if these are improvements you'd be interested in include in your copy of this type.

A future possibility is figuring out when it is safe for PubGrub to ask for a range to be simplified during processing. This would be enormously helpful for #135. But needs to be done with extreme care. Basic set properties do not hold if simplify is added to the equation: A.itersection(A.negate()) == empty is true, but simplify(A).itersection(simplify(A.negate())) == empty is not.

mpizenberg commented 7 months ago

It feels like a very good idea for error reporting where solver logic is not important anymore, and readability is much more useful. Also at this point the potential costs are likely negligible compared to the solving costs?

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

I tinkered with the code to make it more "obviously correct". While I was at it I noticed that STD provide some helpful methods which simplified a few things.

I looked at our test code generation, and I'm pretty confident it will cover all the corner cases.

mpizenberg commented 7 months ago

What do you think of splitting a bit the simplify function, to make it easier to follow? I'm thinking something like this (pseudo code):

// return the segment index in the range for each version in the range, None otherwise
locate_versions(&self, versions: Iter<V>) -> Iter<Option<usize>>

// group adjacent versions locations
// [None, 3, 6, 7, None] -> [(3, 7)]
// [3, 6, 7, None] -> [(None, 7)]
// [3, 6, 7] -> [(None, None)]
// [None, 1, 4, 7, None, None, None, 8, None, 9] -> [(1, 7), (8, 8), (9, None)]
group_adjacent_locations(locations: Iter<Option<usize>>) -> Iter<(Option<usize>, Option<usize>)>

// simplify range with segments at given location bounds.
keep_segments(&self, kept_segments: Iter<(Option<usize>, Option<usize>)) -> Self

simplify(&self, versions: Iter<V>) -> Self {
  let version_locations = self.locate_versions(versions);
  let kept_segments = group_adjacent_locations(version_locations);
Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

group_adjacent_locations was harder than I was expecting. It's hard to build out of normal iterator methods, because it may need to return one more result after the underlying iterator has been exhausted. It would be straightforward to implement using generators, if they were stable. But eventually I made it work.

zanieb commented 7 months ago

I'll try to use this today!

mpizenberg commented 7 months ago

group_adjacent_locations was harder than I was expecting.

If you feel it's harder than worth it maybe it's better to not split group_adjacent_locations and keep_segments. I'm not finding more straightforward ways to write it either. Your call.

I don't see your previous version to compare complexity. I guess you forced push rewrote it. I haven't followed the CI merging changes. Are PRs still squashed merged? or are they "normal" merge? Because if they are still squashed merge there is no need to overwrite your commit while working on the PR. And if they aren't well it's slightly annoying to make sure all a PR history is clean. I don't want to derail this PR, I just thought it was relevant as it makes my reviewing of the PR harder.

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

I think they're worth keeping. I wish they had been easier to come up with or more direct code, but they do make things clear.

I did force push, and will try and avoid doing so while you're reviewing. I got into the habit because it simplifies the history which is helpful when dealing with several long-lived branches. Hopefully those will become less common. If you scroll through conversation here on GitHub it provides links for every time I force push, like image the compare button can show you what changed between each force push.

konstin commented 7 months ago

But needs to be done with extreme care. Basic set properties do not hold if simplify is added to the equation: A.itersection(A.negate()) == empty is true, but simplify(A).itersection(simplify(A.negate())) == empty is not.

Could you give an example where this doesn't hold? I tried but couldn't find one.

konstin commented 7 months ago

I made a POC for simplifying all terms: The main problem is that this breaks accum_term.subset_of(&incompat_term), any ideas? I've just inserted the simplification at all the places where we regularly intersect, though i feels like we shouldn't need to build up all the intersections every time in the first place.

zanieb commented 7 months ago

Hm so I gave this a try by hacking it into the reporter and testing a simple holes case.


Because there is no available version for bar and foo 1.0.0 depends on bar, foo 1.0.0 is forbidden.
And because there is no version of foo in <1.0.0 | >1.0.0, <2.0.0 | >2.0.0, <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0, foo <2.0.0 | >2.0.0, <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden. (1)

Because there is no available version for bar and foo 2.0.0 depends on bar, foo 2.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <2.0.0 | >2.0.0, <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden (1), foo <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden. (2)

Because there is no available version for bar and foo 3.0.0 depends on bar, foo 3.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden (2), foo <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden. (3)

Because there is no available version for bar and foo 4.0.0 depends on bar, foo 4.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden (3), foo * is forbidden.
And because root 1.0.0 depends on foo, root 1.0.0 is forbidden.


Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo <=1.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo 1.0.0 is forbidden.
And because there is no version of foo in ∅, foo <2.0.0 | >2.0.0, <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden. (1)

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo 2.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo 2.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <2.0.0 | >2.0.0, <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden (1), foo <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden. (2)

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo 3.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo 3.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <3.0.0 | >3.0.0, <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden (2), foo <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden. (3)

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo >=4.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo 4.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <4.0.0 | >4.0.0 is forbidden (3), foo * is forbidden.
And because root depends on foo, root 1.0.0 is forbidden.

While we can certainly do something to improve the null cases, I'm not seeing this as a drastic improvement. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

But needs to be done with extreme care. Basic set properties do not hold if simplify is added to the equation: A.itersection(A.negate()) == empty is true, but simplify(A).itersection(simplify(A.negate())) == empty is not.

Could you give an example where this doesn't hold? I tried but couldn't find one.

You seem to be correct, this implementation of simplify does uphold this property. The point I was trying to make is defining what properties simplify must uphold and making sure that the rest of the algorithm doesn't rely on anything else requires some care.

I made a POC for simplifying all terms: The main problem is that this breaks accum_term.subset_of(&incompat_term), any ideas? I've just inserted the simplification at all the places where we regularly intersect,

There are clearly some properties that code is relying on that simplify does not uphold. What they are, I do not yet know. And I would like to separate/delay the conversation about how the algorithm can use simplify until after we merge making the freestanding method useful/available.

though i feels like we shouldn't need to build up all the intersections every time in the first place.

You may want to look at the "accumulated_intersection" and the "fewer_intersections" branches. I be happy to discuss other changes to the algorithm to reduce intersections, either on zulip or in a issue.

Hm so I gave this a try by hacking it into the reporter and testing a simple holes case.

This is exactly where I was hoping this freestanding method would be useful. Let's see how much it helped...

While we can certainly do something to improve the null cases, I'm not seeing this as a drastic improvement. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

That is not as helpful as I was hoping :-( clearly simplify is not working as well as I'd like. Let me experiment with your branch and I will report back.

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

Got it. Most of the error reporting is based on the terms, replacing terms: derived.terms.clone(), with

terms: derived
                    .map(|(p, t)| (p.clone(), t.simplify(versions.get(&p).unwrap_or(&Vec::new()).into_iter())))

and adding a simplify method to term that forwards along. I get:

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo <=1.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo <=1.0.0 is forbidden.
And because there is no version of foo in ∅, foo <2.0.0 is forbidden. (1)

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo 2.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo 2.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <2.0.0 is forbidden (1), foo <3.0.0 is forbidden. (2)

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo 3.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo 3.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <3.0.0 is forbidden (2), foo <4.0.0 is forbidden. (3)

Because there is no version of bar in ∅ and foo >=4.0.0 depends on bar ∅, foo >=4.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <4.0.0 is forbidden (3), foo * is forbidden.
And because root depends on foo, root * is forbidden.
zanieb commented 7 months ago

@Eh2406 ah that makes a lot of sense! I'll explore the effect on more error messages then.

zanieb commented 7 months ago

With we get better handling of the empty ranges

Because there is no available version for bar and foo <=1.0.0 depends on bar, foo <=1.0.0 is forbidden.
And because there is no available version for foo, foo <2.0.0 is forbidden. (1)

Because there is no available version for bar and foo 2.0.0 depends on bar, foo 2.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <2.0.0 is forbidden (1), foo <3.0.0 is forbidden. (2)

Because there is no available version for bar and foo 3.0.0 depends on bar, foo 3.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <3.0.0 is forbidden (2), foo <4.0.0 is forbidden. (3)

Because there is no available version for bar and foo >=4.0.0 depends on bar, foo >=4.0.0 is forbidden.
And because foo <4.0.0 is forbidden (3), foo * is forbidden.
And because root depends on foo, root * is forbidden.

There's a bit of a problem because And because there is no available version for foo should read And because there is no available version for foo >1.00,<2.0.0 and And because foo <2.0.0 is forbidden (1) should read And because foo <2.0.0 is forbidden (1) and there is no available version for foo >2.0.0,<3.0.0

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

Right. This simplification code assumes that information about versions that don't exist is unneeded. Which is not true when dealing with "NoVertions", or anything derived from them. Because of #155, everything in this example derives from a "NoVertions". I'm open to ideas on how to get us to a better place.

In the meantime, the open question in this PR is whether this code is useful and worth merging.

zanieb commented 7 months ago

I think this is a pretty clear path to better error messages. We can either continue tackling it piecewise by merging or devote a new branch to error messaging and merge the whole thing to dev at once.

Eh2406 commented 7 months ago

This project has been plagued with long living branches, so I'm biased toward merging as often as is acceptable.

Furthermore there are at least two independent ways to build on this PR, incorporating it in the algorithm and using it on the output, which could be done in parallel and may each take several attempts.

mpizenberg commented 7 months ago

That's a lot nicer error message @zanieb ! If this is useful as-is I'd agree with @Eh2406 that we can merge it.