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PubGrub version solving algorithm implemented in Rust
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Build a benchmark based on UV slow case #191

Open Eh2406 opened 3 months ago

Eh2406 commented 3 months ago

Our production user is hitting slow cases in ways that are hard for us to optimize separately. We should have clear instructions for how to reproduce the slow cases they are hitting, and also similarly simulacrums of them that can be run with less infrastructure. cc #177

konstin commented 3 months ago

How to use uv, a python dependency resolver, as benchmark. The example we are using, bio_embeddings[all] on python 3.12 is pathological case that has to try 100k versions. It

Eh2406 commented 3 months ago

After a lot of work, I have been able to reproduce your set up. Here is a profile I was able to collect

by hacking in a OfflineDependencyProvider<P, VS>, adding dependencies to it in add_incompatibility_from_dependencies, and serializing it when done I was able to get a RON file. By various dirty tricks (calling to_string on P, manually fixing prereleases and other such complications) I converted into something that can be run in this repo without additional dependencies. bio_embeddings_str_SemanticVersion.txt

Here is a profile of running it through our normal large case benchmark runner. Unfortunately it still looks quite different. I think one biggest difference is your incorporation of the RPITIT branch. Another safe difference is that large case attempts to resolve every version not just the root version. It therefore biases data toward the problems of small dependency trees which tend to be dominated by the process of reading in data. Alternatively it may have to do with the difference in representation or semantics between &str vs PubGrubPackage or SemanticVersion vs Version. Or it may have to do with not representing filtered out versions.

Definitely more investigation is required.

Eh2406 commented 3 months ago

I think one biggest difference is your incorporation of the RPITIT branch. Another safe difference is that large case attempts to resolve every version not just the root version. It therefore biases data toward the problems of small dependency trees which tend to be dominated by the process of reading in data.

I ran the new benchmark file on the RPITIT branch and I altered our large case to only resolve if p.to_string() == "root". The resulting profile looks the same. So the process of elimination continues.

Alternatively it may have to do with the difference in representation or semantics between &str vs PubGrubPackage or SemanticVersion vs Version.

String with Arc<SemanticVersion> still looks the same. So time to switch tactics from modifying PubGrub to get the ron filed cooperate to looking at uv.

Or it may have to do with not representing filtered out versions.

Using lots of dirty hacks I was able to instrument add_incompatibility as well as add_incompatibility_from_dependencies. The resulting file also needed to be cleaned up by hand. bio_embeddings_2_str_SemanticVersion.txt however the resulting profile still looks the same.

Alternatively it may have to do with the difference in representation or semantics between &str vs PubGrubPackage or SemanticVersion vs Version.

This time I took the output of my instrumented uv street without any hand fixes. bio_embeddings_3_str_pep440.txt and changed large case to use the pep440_rs crate (with the appropriate suffix on file). The resulting profile is not fundamentally different.

konstin commented 3 months ago

I'm seeing pick_highest_priority_package is big in your profile. In uv, we pick priority by using the package we've seen first as first. When we visit root, we iterate over root's deps and give the first the highest priority, the second the second highest, etc. When we selected foo, we visit all deps of foo and also queue them to our priority mapping.

Eh2406 commented 3 months ago

That does make pick_highest_priority_package O(1), but it also pushes a lot of work into the guts of the resolver. So for example in this case with your FIFO .map(|priority| priority + 1) the run time is 7.62s. But if we picked FILO .map(|priority| !(priority + 1)) it takes 0.18s. Without a consistent and logical ordering for package arrival these are equally arbitrary. I'm sure there are other cases where FIFO beats FILO. (The ordering is not entirely arbitrary, they are ordered by when they were discovered which correlates with when they were first pre-fetched. So FIFO is a good default for not waiting on the network.)

The OfflineDependencyProvider uses "fewest number of versions matching the requirement". I talk about the history of this heuristic