pubkey / rxdb

A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications
Apache License 2.0
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Angular localstorage adapter problem #192

Closed Meshkati closed 7 years ago

Meshkati commented 7 years ago


Hi, I was looking for use rxdb on my angular+electron app with localstorage adapter, but I got several errors. I Event tried to run the official (:D) angular example, everything is ok with websql adapter, but on localstorage I get errors:



pubkey commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry but this stacktrace does not help. Can you run the code before doing the bundling?

Meshkati commented 7 years ago

Before bundling what ?! I'm just running your angular example by the guid written in readme, with localstorage adapter :-?

pubkey commented 7 years ago

Could reproduce. Fix will come

pubkey commented 7 years ago

Solved. In the past we had to use a monkey-patched localstorage-adapter to fix a bug which ensures cross-tab-events are working. This is not nessesary now.