public-transport / european-transport-feeds

Source code of the "list of european transport feeds" website.
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add latvian gtfs feeds #4

Closed kemkim closed 2 years ago

kemkim commented 2 years ago

added Latvian GTFS sources

juliuste commented 2 years ago

Hey! 🙂 First of all, thank you very much for the contribution!

Unfortunately, I think these feeds are not compatible with the project for now: So far, I used the restriction of only allowing one feed per county to ensure consumability. While one could argue that having two feeds would still be feasible when building applications for that region, at some point the number of feeds becomes an issue. To give an example: The official Austrian and French data portals contain data split up into five and more than 20 feeds, respectively. Since I found it hard to decide on some arbitrary number of how many feeds are okay, I just went with the rule of one feed per country.

I do agree however, that we should include that data somehow. I think it would make sense to aggregate them in a separate project (same for the feeds of France and Austria, and probably other countries), and then reference these aggregated feeds here.

Please re-open if you disagree or if I missed anything, and again thank you very much for bringing this up, this problem wasn't documented before.

derhuerst commented 2 years ago

@kemkim There are several other projects with collect transit data sets across the world; One of the more recent and serious ones is MobilityData's Mobility Database (which seems to focus on GTFS & GTFS-RT). I think adding the feed(s) there will increase their visibility!