public-transport / european-transport-feeds

Source code of the "list of european transport feeds" website.
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add gtfs feed for straeto (iceland) #7

Open kemkim opened 2 years ago

kemkim commented 2 years ago

Iceland long-distance coaches

juliuste commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the contribution and the effort to drive this project forward! ❤️

Following my comment in #4, I'd still like to go with the one feed per country rule. This implies that we should only add feeds that either already contain all transport of a given country, or at least are designated to do so in the future.

Are there any public transport services in Iceland that are not operated by Straeto, which provides the feed? If not, I'm happy to merge this, otherwise I'm not sure.

juliuste commented 1 year ago

Follow-up: I tried to clarify the criteria in our readme

There should only be one feed per country. This feed should also have the scope to (at least eventually) cover the entire country. A counter-example for this would be feeds limited to a specific operator, since such a feed would - by definition - always exclude additional data. Feeds that are not 100% complete but have the scope to cover the whole country eventually are acceptable, though. If some country doesn't have a global feed (yet), you're encouraged to describe the current situation in a new issue.