public-transport / hafas-client

JavaScript client for HAFAS public transport APIs.
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DB: get URL to offers #296

Closed PaulSut closed 4 months ago

PaulSut commented 10 months ago

I'd like to create a URL for a specific Journey that takes me directly to the DB offers page, where I can select offers like Sparpreis and Flexpreis for a specific journey. I'm unsure about the best approach for this. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I would also be happy to contribute a function which creates the URL if there is an interest for this :)

derhuerst commented 10 months ago

I have looked into how the DB Navigator app does this. We can probably mimic its functionality!

Given that hafas-client (currently only) implements the mobile HAFAS API intended for mobile devices, we will only be able to generate links to the mobile DB shop. (Maybe we can reverse-engineer how to generate desktop booking links.)

Note: Keep in mind that there's also a (currently half-broken, because the DB shop changes frequently) library that, given a full journey – obtained from hafts-client, for example –, tries to "navigate" the shop, filling in all necessary details, to get the URL of the tariff/fare selection page. It has many limitations, but it is independent of hafas-client because it only queries the DB shop, so it has a slightly different use case.

derhuerst commented 10 months ago

I have recorded the HTTP requests of DB Navigator v23.08.01. Its booking flow seems to work as follows:

For TripSearch (journeys()) and Reconstruction (refreshJourney()) requests, the response contains a trfRes object for each journey. This trfRes enumerates all bookable tariffs/fares in fareSetL[], and each tariff/fare has a field addData, which contains Base64-encoded data that is used to display details in the the tariff/fare selection screen.

For example, with the requested journey from Berlin to Wien at 2023-09-11T06:29+02:00 (also linked above), the "Super Sparpreis Europa" fare contains an addData that looks like this decoded:

    "AngTyp": "superSparP",
    "IsKBKampagne": "NO",
    "ID": "TCK#3860#3863#0#0#S2#9810#",
    "IDVerbund": "PFRhcmlmZiBUYXJpZmZJRD0iVENLIzM4NjAjMzg2MyMwIzAjUzIjOTgxMCMiIFBBcnREcml0dGU9InVua25vd24iLz4%3D%0D%0A",
    "IsVisible": "YES",
    "KoTxt_kurz.0": "",
    "KoTxt_lang.0": "Through ticket: Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction. Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety.",
    "KoTxt_kurz.1": "",
    "KoTxt_lang.1": "A 3-D Secure Code may be required for credit card payments.",
    "PrioTxt_kurz.0": "Train-specific travel",
    "PrioTxt_lang.0": "You can use all trains indicated on your ticket. You can use any local train (i.e. RE, RB, S). Passengers on train services with mandatory reservation must reserve a seat.",
    "PrioTxt_icon.0": "202",
    "PrioTxt_kurz.1": "",
    "PrioTxt_lang.1": "If you choose a train service that requires a reservation, your booking includes a free seat reservation for this train service.",
    "UeTxt_kurz": "Cancellation excluded",
    "UeTxt_lang": "Cancellation (exchange or refund) of your ticket is excluded.",
    "UeTxt_icon": "202",
    "OptTxt_kurz.0": "No City-Ticket",
    "OptTxt_lang.0": "Your ticket does not include a City-Ticket (local public transport ticket).",
    "OptTxt_icon.0": "202",
    "OptTxt_key.0": "ohne_city",
    "PATyp": "AP",
    "PArtDpt": "3860",
    "ResIcon": "NO",
    "ResStatus": "O",
    "TarifSystemId": "DB",
    "ZugeordnetZuSpezialablauf": "NO",
    "Zusatznutzen": "NO"

It's ticketL[0].addData looks like this decoded:

    "dir": "OUTWARD",
    "type": "TICKET",
    "FromText": "Berlin Hbf (tief)",
    "ToText": "Wien Hbf",
    "FromEva": "8098160",
    "ToEva": "8103000"

The fare's addData's ID (TCK#3860#3863#0#0#S2#9810#) is then being POSTed url-encoded into, along with other details from the journey. These are the request's query parameters url-decoded:

A.1:             27
E:               F
E.1:             2
K:               2
M:               D
RT.1:            E
SS:              8098160
T:               202309110629
VH:              T$A=1@O=Berlin Hbf (tief)@L=8098160@a=128@$A=1@O=Nürnberg Hbf@L=8000284@a=128@$202309110629$202309110952$ICE  503$$1$$$$$$§T$A=1@O=Nürnberg Hbf@L=8000284@a=128@$A=1@O=Wien Hbf@L=8103000@a=128@$202309111031$202309111447$ICE   23$$1$$$$$$
ZS:              8103000
journeyOptions:  0
journeyProducts: 1023
optimize:        1
shpCtx:          PFRhcmlmZiBUYXJpZmZJRD0iVENLIzM4NjAjMzg2MyMwIzAjUzIjOTgxMCMiIFBBcnREcml0dGU9InVua25vd24iLz4=
returnurl:       dbnavigator://restore
derhuerst commented 10 months ago

What needs to be done:

derhuerst commented 10 months ago

A heads-up: Implementing this feature will require some familiarity with the way the hafas-client code base is structured. Nevertheless, you're welcome to ask questions if you get stuck!

PaulSut commented 10 months ago

Thank you very much for the input! Super nice of you! I will investigate it next week and get familiar with the code base :)

PaulSut commented 10 months ago

Short update:

journeys() & refreshJourney() seems to return a different fareSetL[].


const testJourneys = await client.journeys('8103000', '8011160', {
    routingMode: routingModes.HYBRID,
    tickets: true,
    polylines: true,
    language: 'de',
    departure: new Date(2023, 9, 11, 6, 0),

resulted in:

"trfRes": {
              "statusCode": "OK",
              "fareSetL": [
                  "fareL": [
                      "isFromPrice": true,
                      "isPartPrice": false,
                      "isBookable": true,
                      "isUpsell": false,
                      "targetCtx": "D",
                      "buttonText": "Zur Angebotsauswahl",
                      "price": {
                        "amount": 8990
                      "retPriceIsCompletePrice": false,
                      "retPrice": -1

unfortunately there is just a buttonText and no buttonUrl :D I will have another look into this tomorrow.

derhuerst commented 10 months ago

journeys() & refreshJourney() seems to return a different fareSetL[].

Can you elaborate? Or even provide two raw responses? (You can obtain them by running ./tools/debug-cli/cli.js db … with DEBUG=hafas-client.)

PaulSut commented 10 months ago

Thanks for pointing out the DEBUG mode :)

It seems like the 'fareSetL[]' differ when using TripSearch or Reconstruction (e.g. only Reconstruction containing addData) I get a similar Result to TripSearch when using journeys(), but no fares when using refreshJourney()

I added the used commands at the top of each file in case I am using them wrong.

derhuerst commented 10 months ago

Did you specify opt.age? Does it depend on that?

PaulSut commented 10 months ago

I had to dig a little deeper but i found the issue now :)

The trfReq with the right params was missing for the "Reconstruction" request. I will try to create a draft PR which implements the needed changes to get the offers from DB soonish. Afterwards I will have a look into the URL-Topic.

Edit: PR

PaulSut commented 10 months ago

After looking deeper into the URL topic I am pretty sure that there will be more changes regarding the output format which is why I closed the PR for now. I will incorporate the changes in a future PR :)

derhuerst commented 10 months ago

From #297:

I adjusted the output format, which leads to a breaking change for users of p/db.

Keep in mind that I try to minimise the breaking changes (and thus major-version releases) in hafas-client; I try to do a major release every 2 years (in that order of magnitude, not a strict cycle).

So if it's possible with reasonable effort, try to keep your changes backwards-compatible, by adding all newly parsed information as a new field. Later, we can refactor the format as a breaking change.

PaulSut commented 9 months ago

This [edit: permalink] is a non breaking version that enables to get fares and the url to each fare via refreshJourney(). Everything seems to work fine so far, but I did not fully understand all the params yet. Also, the current url is leading to the "old" DBNavigator. I am not sure if it is also possible to get the link for the new one. Maybe I will find more time to look into it, therefore i would not merge it right now to prevent breaking changes/workarounds in case of better solutions (suggestions regarding the missings params or the new DBNavigator link are very welcome :))

derhuerst commented 9 months ago

Again: Thanks for you effort in reverse-engineering and implementing this! I think this is a very useful addition to hafas-client. 💛

Unfortunately, the commits currently change too many unrelated things for me to feel comfortable to merge them as-is, for example:

If you want, I can try to find time to bring your changes into the shape I want them to be in and merge them. (I will make sure to keep you as the author or co-author in the resulting commits, so that you will appear as a contributor to hafas-client.)

On the other hand, if you're planning to change the code anyways, in one way or another, I will first let you finish iterating on it, and then review it again.

What do you think?

PaulSut commented 9 months ago

Sounds great! But I will probably need a few weeks for the next iteration! I will try to implement your suggestions, but of course feel free to do further adjustments afterwards :)

derhuerst commented 7 months ago

@PaulSut Any news? ☺️

PaulSut commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately not really :/ Tickets contain now also a firstClass info, but the ticket-url is still not really usable and I couldn't fix it. I will have a closer look into this before new year.

PaulSut commented 6 months ago

I created a new PR which adds the ticket information.

I am rather pessemistic regarding the URL. The generated URLs 'kind of work'. But not with every device/browser/cookie combination and therefore imo not reliable enough to add it to the hafas client. Even if the link works it is not really user friendly

derhuerst commented 6 months ago

I am rather pessemistic regarding the URL. The generated URLs 'kind of work'. But not with every device/browser/cookie combination and therefore imo not reliable enough to add it to the hafas client. Even if the link works it is not really user friendly

We could put them behind an opt-in flag, e.g. generateUnreliableTicketUrls. What do you think?

PaulSut commented 5 months ago

We could put them behind an opt-in flag, e.g. generateUnreliableTicketUrls. What do you think?

This and your suggested changes are now implemented :)