Open derhuerst opened 6 years ago
There are a lot more though. I don't intend to cover all, but the regularly appearing ones that are parsable. Raw pairs:
1: 'FB',
2: 'Bicycle conveyance' },
3: 'b_',
4: 'vrstl. nicht barrierefrei' },
37: 'EH',
38: 'vehicle-mounted accessaid' },
12159: 'SN',
12160: 'SnackPoint/Snacks on board the train' },
29245: 'jq',
29246: 'Fahrradmitnahme leicht gemacht:' },
43363: 'bf',
43364: 'barrier-free',
43366: 'Bicycle conveyance',
43706: 'vehicle-mounted accessaid',
43707: 'wagenstand_v2',
43708: 'For further information see trip details',
79418: 'SnackPoint/Snacks on board the train',
79671: 'VU',
79672: 'VBB-Verbundfahrausweise ganz oder teilweise ungültig',
79673: 'FR',
79674: 'Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation',
79677: 'BT',
79678: 'Bordbistro',
79696: 'Fahrradmitnahme leicht gemacht:',
79709: 'IE',
79710: 'Info',
79713: 'LS',
79714: 'power sockets for laptop',
79715: 'WV',
79716: 'Wifi available',
81289: 'BR',
81290: 'Bordrestaurant',
81743: 'kb',
81744: 'VBB single, collective and season tickets are recognised',
145353: 'jr',
156171: 'gf',
156172: 'Kleinbus',
156845: 'kf',
156846: 'bus stop is not near the station',
156847: 'EV',
156848: 'Ersatzverkehr',
283183: 'qd',
283184: 'bis Kaulsdorfer Str.',
319681: 'rh',
319682: 'Haustürservice: In Fahrtrichtung Flughafen Schönefeld bringen wir Sie in einem bestimmten Gebiet in Altglienicke mit dieser Linie auf Wunsch bis vor die Haustür. In der gesamten Silvesternacht sowie Sonn- und Feiertags ab ca. 5:00 Uhr kein Haustür-Service',
362375: 'KR',
362376: 'DB Kids Service on Board',
373531: 'DU',
373532: 'normal (international) tickets not valid',
373537: '2 ',
373538: 'only 2. class',
373541: 'KL',
373542: 'air conditioning',
373543: 'KI',
373544: 'children\'s play area',
373545: 'KK',
373546: 'parent-and-children compartment',
843447: 'Pl',
843448: 'PlusBus Hoher Fläming',
976397: 'KG',
976398: 'No food or beverages',
997901: 'nh',
1040853: 'ZM',
1040854: 'Boarding aid in the middle section of the train',
Will close this for now. On next
, the DB profile parses many of them.
Most likely there are more, varying from endpoint to endpoint, but the groundwork has been done.
hid: '46365',
type: 'ROU',
act: true,
pub: '',
head: 'Zusätzliches Angebot zum Laternenfest',
lead: '',
'Bitte beachten Sie die Änderungen sowie das umfangreiche Zusatzangebot der HAVAG zum Laternenfest. Alle Informationen finden Sie unter',
tckr: '',
icoX: 2,
prio: 50,
prod: 65535,
[ { name: 'TIMETABLE',
fDate: '20180822',
fTime: '142100',
tDate: '20180826',
tTime: '030000' } ] }
more stuff...
{"type":"A","code":"FK","prio":260,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Number of bicycles conveyed limited"}
{"type":"A","code":"RC","prio":320,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Platzreservierung am DB-Automaten und im Reisezentrum möglich"}
{"type":"A","code":"EH","prio":560,"icoX":2,"txtN":"vehicle-mounted accessaid"}
{"type":"A","code":"KL","prio":610,"icoX":2,"txtN":"air conditioning"}
{"type":"A","code":"G ","prio":260,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Number of bicycles conveyed limited"}
{"type":"A","code":"FB","prio":260,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Number of bicycles conveyed limited"}
{"type":"A","code":"","icoX":4,"txtN":"As S1 heading towards Magdeburg Hbf from here"}
{"type":"A","code":"","icoX":4,"txtN":"As RE20 heading towards Salzwedel from here"}
{"type":"A","code":"","icoX":4,"txtN":"From Magdeburg Hbf as RE20 heading towards Salzwedel"}
{"type":"A","code":"e$","prio":350,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Fahrzeug mit niederflurigem Einstieg geplant"}
{"type":"A","code":"FK","prio":260,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Number of bicycles conveyed limited"}
{"type":"A","code":"ZM","prio":560,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Boarding aid in the middle section of the train"}
{"type":"A","code":"SN","prio":580,"icoX":4,"txtN":"SnackPoint/Snacks on board the train"}
{"type":"A","code":"FB","prio":260,"icoX":3,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich"}
{"type":"A","code":"RG","prio":560,"icoX":3,"txtN":"Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug"}
{"type":"A","code":"FR","prio":260,"icoX":3,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme reservierungspflichtig"}
{"type":"A","code":"FB","prio":260,"icoX":3,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich"}
{"type":"A","code":"MN","prio":450,"icoX":3,"txtN":"Imbiss und Getränke beim Schlaf-/Liegewagenbetreuer erhältlich"}
{"type":"A","code":"CN","prio":800,"icoX":3,"txtN":"City Night Line"}
{"type":"A","code":"B8","prio":2,"icoX":5,"txtN":"Kurzfristige Änderungen möglich: Details unter"}
{"type":"A","code":"K2","prio":300,"icoX":5,"txtN":"nur 2. Klasse"}
{"type":"A","code":"EH","prio":560,"icoX":5,"txtN":"Fahrzeuggebundene Einstiegshilfe vorhanden"}
{"type":"A","code":"RP","prio":185,"icoX":3,"txtN":"Subject to compulsory reservation"}
{"type":"A","code":"SK","prio":270,"icoX":4,"txtN":"oversize luggage cannot be taken on board"}
{"type":"A","code":"K2","prio":300,"icoX":5,"txtN":"2nd class only"}
{"type":"A","code":"OR","prio":320,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Seat reservation included in price when purchased together with ticket"}
{"type":"A","code":"MB","prio":450,"icoX":6,"txtN":"Snacks and beverages available"}
{"type":"A","code":"HU","prio":580,"icoX":4,"txtN":"No entrainment of animals except guide dogs"}
{"type":"A","code":"IK","prio":610,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Baby cot / child seat required for children (0 to 3 years)"}
{"type":"A","code":"EE","prio":640,"icoX":4,"txtN":"On-Board Entertainment"}
{"type":"A","code":"TO","prio":700,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Toilet on board"}
{"type":"A","code":"WI","prio":710,"icoX":4,"txtN":"Free Wifi in Germany and abroad"}
{"type":"D","code":"","icoX":4,"txtN":"Technical failure in train","sIdx":0}
{"type":"M","code":"","icoX":8,"txtS":"RE 3185: Berlin-Charlottenburg->Berlin Hbf: Information.","txtN":"Vom 18. bis 22. Juli kommt es auf der Linie RE 1 zwischen Berlin Wannsee und Berlin Ostbahnhof zu baubedingten Fahrplanänderungen mit Zugausfällen. Bitte informieren Sie sich frühzeitig in der Reiseauskunft über Ihre Fahrmöglichkeiten.","sIdx":0}
{"type":"D","code":"","icoX":4,"txtN":"Waiting for passengers from another train","sIdx":2}
{"type":"A","code":"CK","prio":200,"icoX":6,"txtN":"Komfort Check-in möglich"}
{"type":"C","code":"","icoX":8,"txtN":"Current information available."}
{"type":"A","code":"af","prio":350,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Fremdunternehmer Autocars\tSALES-LENTZ"}
{"type":"A","code":"ah","prio":350,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Fremdunternehmer Autocars Emile FRISCH"}
{"type":"A","code":"ae","prio":350,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Fremdunternehmer Voyages Emile WEBER"}
{"type":"A","code":"bv","prio":350,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Fremdunternehmer Voyages ECKER"}
{"type":"A","code":"FK","prio":260,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich"}
{"type":"A","code":"ER","prio":560,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Rampe im Zug"}
{"type":"A","code":"FM","prio":610,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Fahrkartenautomat im Zug"}
{"type":"A","code":"FB","prio":260,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich"}
{"type":"A","code":"EH","prio":560,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Fahrzeuggebundene Einstiegshilfe vorhanden"}
{"type":"A","code":"FR","prio":260,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme reservierungspflichtig"}
{"type":"A","code":"KG","prio":640,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Ohne gastronomisches Angebot"}
{"type":"A","code":"RG","prio":560,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug"}
{"type":"A","code":"D9","prio":350,"icoX":7,"txtN":"Die Haltestelle Schloss Molsdorf kann baubedingt nicht bedient werden."}
{"type":"A","code":"ER","prio":560,"icoX":5,"txtN":"Rampe im Zug"}
{"type":"A","code":"FM","prio":610,"icoX":5,"txtN":"Fahrkartenautomat im Zug"}
{"type":"A","code":"FB","prio":260,"icoX":5,"txtN":"Fahrradmitnahme begrenzt möglich"}
{"type":"A","code":"TT","prio":999,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Fahrt für Touch&Travel zugelassen"}
{"type":"A","code":"BE","prio":300,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Blindenleitstreifen am Bahnsteig U8"}
{"type":"A","code":"TT","prio":999,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Fahrt für Touch&Travel zugelassen"}
{"type":"P","code":"","icoX":5,"txtN":"Journey cancelled","sIdx":1}
{"type":"L","code":"","icoX":6,"txtN":"For S 7 there is an additional trip S between Berlin-Grunewald and Potsdam Hbf (S)","jid":"1|1604405|0|80|31052018","sIdx":1}
{"type":"C","code":"","icoX":6,"txtN":"Current information available."}
{"type":"H","code":"wagenstand_v2","prio":2,"icoX":4,"txtN":"For further information see trip details"}
{"type":"A","code":"WA","prio":0,"icoX":1,"txtN":"wheelchair accessibility"}
{"type":"A","prio":100,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Breakfast (1st Class Only), Buffet bar + Trolley"}
{"type":"A","prio":100,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Reservations available"}
{"type":"A","prio":100,"icoX":2,"txtN":"Restaurant service to 1st Plus only, trolley + buffet bar"}
{"type":"A","code":"OA","prio":560,"icoX":0,"txtN":"Rollstuhlstellplatz - Voranmeldung unter +43 5 1717"}
{"type":"A","code":"ae","prio":9,"icoX":0,"txtN":"keine Mitnahme von Elektromobilen"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"1200683;Groß Schwülper OBS Papenteich;NT:VRB;VRB"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8002549;Hamburg Hbf;S-H:1;100"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8002549;Hamburg Hbf;NT:HVV;HVV"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8000152;Hannover Hbf;GVH:5000;Han 1"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8000152;Hannover Hbf;GVH:5001;Han 2"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8000152;Hannover Hbf;NT:GVH;GVH"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"3455506;Bad Malente Haupt- u.Realschule;S-H:5666;5665"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"3465393;Glückstadt Königsberger Straße;S-H:6665;6660"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"3455797;Stockelsdorf Haupt-/Realschule;S-H:5511;5510"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"3430337;Hamdorf Hauptstraße;S-H:3032;3030"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"706520;Hammoor Hauptstraße;S-H:169;608"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"844940;Haverlah Hauptstraße;NT:VRB;VRB"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"3410137;Haselund Hauptstraße;S-H:1253;1250"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"990322;Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB;GVH:5000;Han 1"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"990322;Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB;GVH:5001;Han 2"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"990322;Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB;NT:GVH;GVH"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8000050;Bremen Hbf;VBN:1100;100"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8000050;Bremen Hbf;NT:VBN;VBN"}
{"type":"I","code":"TZ","icoX":0,"txtN":"8000169;Hildesheim Hbf;GVH:5004;AR 1"}
"type": "D",
"code": "",
"icoX": 2,
"txtN": "Delay from preceding run",
"sIdx": 0
"type": "A",
"code": "CK",
"prio": 200,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Komfort Check-in möglich"
"type": "A",
"code": "BR",
"prio": 450,
"icoX": 5,
"txtN": "Bordrestaurant"
"type": "A",
"code": "FB",
"prio": 260,
"icoX": 8,
"txtN": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited"
"type": "A",
"code": "RO",
"prio": 560,
"icoX": 9,
"txtN": "space for wheelchairs"
"type": "A",
"code": "WV",
"prio": 710,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Wifi available"
"type": "C",
"code": "",
"icoX": 10,
"txtN": "The connecting train may not be reached in time."
"type": "D",
"code": "",
"icoX": 2,
"txtN": "Operating delays",
"sIdx": 0
"type": "A",
"code": "AO",
"prio": 350,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Konsum alkoholischer Getränke im Zug verboten"
"type": "A",
"code": "EH",
"prio": 560,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "vehicle-mounted accessaid"
"type": "A",
"code": "EA",
"prio": 560,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Behindertengerechte Ausstattung"
"type": "A",
"code": "KL",
"prio": 610,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "air conditioning"
"type": "A",
"code": "RP",
"prio": 185,
"icoX": 20,
"txtN": "Subject to compulsory reservation"
"type": "A",
"code": "J2",
"prio": 300,
"icoX": 21,
"txtN": "2nd class only seated accommodation"
"type": "A",
"code": "OJ",
"prio": 320,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "ÖBB Nightjet ("
"type": "A",
"code": "GP",
"prio": 320,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Global price"
"type": "A",
"code": "SW",
"prio": 400,
"icoX": 22,
"txtN": "Sleeping-car"
"type": "A",
"code": "LW",
"prio": 400,
"icoX": 23,
"txtN": "Couchettes"
"type": "A",
"code": "MN",
"prio": 450,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "snacks and beverages available from sleeper/couchette attendant"
"type": "A",
"code": "OA",
"prio": 560,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Wheelchair space - For advance notification, call +43 5 1717"
"type": "A",
"code": "OC",
"prio": 560,
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "WC accessible for wheelchair"
"type": "M",
"code": "",
"icoX": 24,
"txtS": "NJ 470: Frankfurt(Main)Süd->Braunschweig Hbf: Information.",
"txtN": "Attention! You are only allowed to board this train if you have a valid ticket and reservation.",
"sIdx": 1
"type": "C",
"code": "",
"icoX": 24,
"txtN": "Current information available."
"type": "H",
"code": "",
"icoX": 25,
"txtN": "Includes trains requiring a reservation"
From the DB rest.exe
value: 'Number of bicycles conveyed limited',
key: 'FB',
type: 'A',
priority: 260,
routeIdxFrom: 16,
routeIdxTo: 19
value: '2nd class only',
key: 'K2',
type: 'A',
priority: 300,
routeIdxFrom: 16,
routeIdxTo: 19
value: 'Komfort Check-in möglich',
key: 'CK',
type: 'A',
priority: 200,
routeIdxFrom: 7,
routeIdxTo: 16
value: 'Bordrestaurant',
key: 'BR',
type: 'A',
priority: 450,
routeIdxFrom: 7,
routeIdxTo: 16
value: 'Komfort Check-in möglich',
key: 'CK',
type: 'A',
priority: 200,
routeIdxFrom: 0,
routeIdxTo: 5
value: 'Bordrestaurant',
key: 'BR',
type: 'A',
priority: 450,
routeIdxFrom: 0,
routeIdxTo: 5
value: 'ICE Sprinter',
key: 'IT',
type: 'A',
priority: 100,
routeIdxFrom: 0,
routeIdxTo: 5
value: 'Komfort Check-in möglich',
key: 'CK',
type: 'A',
priority: 200,
routeIdxFrom: 4,
routeIdxTo: 11
value: 'Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation',
key: 'FR',
type: 'A',
priority: 260,
routeIdxFrom: 4,
routeIdxTo: 11
value: 'Number of bicycles conveyed limited',
key: 'FB',
type: 'A',
priority: 260,
routeIdxFrom: 4,
routeIdxTo: 11
value: 'Bordrestaurant',
key: 'BR',
type: 'A',
priority: 450,
routeIdxFrom: 4,
routeIdxTo: 11
value: 'Number of bicycles conveyed limited',
key: 'FB',
type: 'A',
priority: 260,
routeIdxFrom: 12,
routeIdxTo: 15
value: '2nd class only',
key: 'K2',
type: 'A',
priority: 300,
routeIdxFrom: 12,
routeIdxTo: 15
value: 'Komfort Check-in möglich',
key: 'CK',
type: 'A',
priority: 200,
routeIdxFrom: 1,
routeIdxTo: 5
value: 'Bordrestaurant',
key: 'BR',
type: 'A',
priority: 450,
routeIdxFrom: 1,
routeIdxTo: 5
value: 'ICE Sprinter',
key: 'IT',
type: 'A',
priority: 100,
routeIdxFrom: 1,
routeIdxTo: 5
From another DB rest.exe
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"key": "TW",
"type": "I"
"value": "<XI type=\"bhfinfo\" /><P n=\"BAHNH\" v=\"1893\" /><P n=\"RL100\" v=\"RF\" /><P n=\"BFNAM\" v=\"Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf\" /><P n=\"STRAS\" v=\"Bismarckallee 5-7\" /><P n=\"POSTL\" v=\"79098\" /><P n=\"ORTNA\" v=\"Freiburg\" /><P n=\"KATVS\" v=\"2\" /><P n=\"BMNAM\" v=\"Freiburg\" /><P n=\"SOTXT\" v=\"-\" /><P n=\"SOAEND\" v=\"-\" /><P n=\"PARKPL\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"FAHRSP\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"OEPNV\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"TOILE\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"SFACH\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"RBED\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"STUFR\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"NAM3S\" v=\"Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf\" /><P n=\"TEL3S\" v=\"0761/2121055\" /><P n=\"TAXI\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"GLAT\" v=\"47.9976970\" /><P n=\"GLONG\" v=\"7.84117000\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATION\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICE\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"MOBSE_de\" v=\"Ja, um Voranmeldung unter 01806 512 512* wird gebeten\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATIONMIAEND_de\" v=\"06:00 - 24:00\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICEMIAEND_de\" v=\"06:00 - 24:00\" /><P n=\"MOBSE_en\" v=\"Yes, please call 0049 - 1806 512 512* in advance\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATIONMIAEND_en\" v=\"Yes\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICEMIAEND_en\" v=\"06:00 - 24:00\" /><P n=\"P\" v=\"1\" /></XI>",
"key": "XI",
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"value": "de:08317:14506",
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"value": "<XI type=\"bhfinfo\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATIONMIAEND_en\" v=\"Yes\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICEMIAEND_en\" v=\"06:00 - 23:30\" /><P n=\"P\" v=\"1\" /><P n=\"BAHNH\" v=\"4745\" /><P n=\"RL100\" v=\"RO\" /><P n=\"BFNAM\" v=\"Offenburg\" /><P n=\"STRAS\" v=\"Hauptstr. 1\" /><P n=\"POSTL\" v=\"77652\" /><P n=\"ORTNA\" v=\"Offenburg\" /><P n=\"KATVS\" v=\"2\" /><P n=\"BMNAM\" v=\"Freiburg\" /><P n=\"SOTXT\" v=\"-\" /><P n=\"SOAEND\" v=\"-\" /><P n=\"PARKPL\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"FAHRSP\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"OEPNV\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"TOILE\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"SFACH\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"RBED\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"STUFR\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"NAM3S\" v=\"Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf\" /><P n=\"TEL3S\" v=\"0761/2121055\" /><P n=\"TAXI\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"GLAT\" v=\"48.4764750\" /><P n=\"GLONG\" v=\"7.94672300\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATION\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICE\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"MOBSE_de\" v=\"Ja, um Voranmeldung unter 01806 512 512* wird gebeten\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATIONMIAEND_de\" v=\"11:00 - 21:00\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICEMIAEND_de\" v=\"06:00 - 23:30\" /><P n=\"MOBSE_en\" v=\"Yes, please call 0049 - 1806 512 512* in advance\" /></XI>",
"key": "XI",
"type": "I"
"value": "de:08212:90",
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"type": "I"
"value": "KVV",
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"value": "<XI type=\"bhfinfo\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATIONMIAEND_en\" v=\"Yes\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICEMIAEND_en\" v=\"06:00 - 24:00\" /><P n=\"P\" v=\"1\" /><P n=\"BAHNH\" v=\"3107\" /><P n=\"RL100\" v=\"RK\" /><P n=\"BFNAM\" v=\"Karlsruhe Hbf\" /><P n=\"STRAS\" v=\"Bahnhofplatz 1a\" /><P n=\"POSTL\" v=\"76137\" /><P n=\"ORTNA\" v=\"Karlsruhe\" /><P n=\"KATVS\" v=\"1\" /><P n=\"BMNAM\" v=\"Karlsruhe\" /><P n=\"SOTXT\" v=\"-\" /><P n=\"SOAEND\" v=\"-\" /><P n=\"PARKPL\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"FAHRSP\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"OEPNV\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"TOILE\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"SFACH\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"RBED\" v=\"Nein\" /><P n=\"STUFR\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"NAM3S\" v=\"Mannheim Hbf\" /><P n=\"TEL3S\" v=\"0621/8301055\" /><P n=\"TAXI\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"GLAT\" v=\"48.9935150\" /><P n=\"GLONG\" v=\"8.40218100\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATION\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICE\" v=\"Ja\" /><P n=\"MOBSE_de\" v=\"Ja, um Voranmeldung unter 01806 512 512* wird gebeten\" /><P n=\"DBINFORMATIONMIAEND_de\" v=\"06:00 - 22:30\" /><P n=\"MOBILERSERVICEMIAEND_de\" v=\"06:00 - 24:00\" /><P n=\"MOBSE_en\" v=\"Yes, please call 0049 - 1806 512 512* in advance\" /></XI>",
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this list might be useful for parsing DB remarks:
from the VBB endpoint:
"type": "A",
"code": "pw",
"prio": 350,
"icoX": 5,
"txtN": "ab Sonnenallee/Baumschulenstr. weiter als Bus N70 bis Neue Krugallee (S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof - Sonnenallee/ Baumschulenstr. (Berlin))"
"type": "A",
"code": "text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.stop.message",
"icoX": 5,
"txtN": "As M41 heading towards Sonnenallee/Baumschulenstr. from here"
"type": "A",
"code": "text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.stop.message",
"icoX": 5,
"txtN": "As N70 heading towards Baumschulenstr./Köpenicker Landstr. from here"
"type": "A",
"code": "text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.journey.message",
"icoX": 5,
"txtN": "From Sonnenallee/ Baumschulenstr. (Berlin) as N70 heading towards Baumschulenstr./Köpenicker Landstr."
related: The Deutsche Bahn official Timetable API docs have codes on the last 2 pages.
from the DB endpoint:
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"code": "PB",
"prio": 200,
"icoX": 12,
"txtN": "Obligation to cover nose and mouth"
"type": "A",
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"prio": 260,
"icoX": 13,
"txtN": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited"
"type": "A",
"code": "FS",
"prio": 260,
"icoX": 12,
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"type": "A",
"code": "K2",
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"txtN": "2nd class only"
"type": "A",
"code": "XK",
"prio": 100,
"icoX": 12,
"txtN": "walking distance 500 m"
remarks in a slightly different encoding, from a journey within a subscription response:
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"a": 255
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"txtN": "Current information about disruptions/delays available.",
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"prio": 240,
"txtC": {
"r": 150,
"b": 150,
"g": 150,
"a": 255
"tIdx": 4,
"type": "2",
"minor": 0,
"tagList": [
"rem": {
"prio": 100,
"txtN": "ACHTUNG: Abweichend kein Bordrestaurant/Bordbistro.",
"code": "",
"ico": {
"shp": "1",
"res": "HimInfo",
"sty": "1"
"type": "10",
"txtS": "IC 2294: Heidelberg Hbf->Darmstadt Hbf: Information. "
"dspl": "1",
"sort": 1099956224
"fIdx": 1,
"prio": 240,
"txtC": {
"r": 150,
"b": 150,
"g": 150,
"a": 255
"tIdx": 4,
"type": "2",
"minor": 0,
"tagList": [
"rem": {
"prio": 100,
"txtN": "Bitte denken Sie in unseren Zügen an die Tragepflicht einer Mund-Nase-Bedeckung.",
"code": "",
"ico": {
"shp": "1",
"res": "Info",
"sty": "1"
"type": "10",
"txtS": "IC 2294: Heidelberg Hbf->Darmstadt Hbf: Information. "
"dspl": "1",
"sort": 1099956224
From the mobil-nrw
"type": "A",
"code": "pname",
"prio": 0,
"icoX": 10,
"txtN": "RE 10931"
From the DB endpoint:
const remL = [
"type": "A",
"code": "pname",
"prio": 0,
"icoX": 14,
"txtN": "RE 62169"
"type": "A",
"code": "pname",
"prio": 0,
"icoX": 14,
"txtN": "RE 63978"
"jid": "1|276003|0|80|29072021",
"date": "20210729",
"prodX": 38,
"dirTxt": "Rathenow",
"status": "P",
"isRchbl": true,
"stbStop": { /* … */ },
"pos": { /* … */ },
"msgL": [
"type": "REM",
"remX": 0,
"tagL": [
"sort": 402653184
"subscr": "F",
"prodL": [ /* … */ ],
From the VBB endpoint:
"common": {
"prodL": [
"name": "150",
"nameS": "150",
"icoX": 0,
"cls": 8,
"prodCtx": {
"lineId": "150"
"name": "158",
"nameS": "158",
"icoX": 0,
"cls": 8,
"prodCtx": {
"lineId": "158"
"name": "350",
"nameS": "350",
"icoX": 0,
"cls": 8,
"prodCtx": {
"lineId": "350"
"name": "N58",
"nameS": "N58",
"icoX": 0,
"cls": 8,
"prodCtx": {
"lineId": "N58"
"name": "RB27",
"nameS": "RB27",
"icoX": 2,
"cls": 64,
"prodCtx": {
"lineId": "RB27"
"name": "S2",
"nameS": "S2",
"icoX": 3,
"cls": 1,
"prodCtx": {
"lineId": "S2"
"remL": [
"type": "I",
"code": "UR",
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "<a href=\"\"></a>"
"type": "I",
"code": "AD",
"icoX": 4,
"txtN": "Alt-Karow 2;13125 Berlin"
"icoL": [
"res": "prod_bus_t",
"fg": {
"r": 255,
"g": 255,
"b": 255
"bg": {
"r": 153,
"g": 51,
"b": 153
"res": "loc_stop"
"res": "prod_reg",
"fg": {
"r": 255,
"g": 255,
"b": 255
"bg": {
"r": 226,
"g": 0,
"b": 25
"res": "prod_comm_t",
"fg": {
"r": 255,
"g": 255,
"b": 255
"bg": {
"r": 55,
"g": 135,
"b": 74
"res": "attr_info"
"res": "loc_poi"
"match": {
"field": "S",
"state": "L",
"locL": [
"lid": "A=1@O=Alt-Karow (Berlin)@X=13482417@Y=52610843@U=86@L=900143509@B=1@p=1629973497@",
"type": "S",
"name": "Alt-Karow (Berlin)",
"icoX": 1,
"extId": "900143509",
"state": "F",
"crd": {
"x": 13482417,
"y": 52610843,
"floor": 0
"pCls": 8,
"pRefL": [
"wt": 751,
"gidL": [
"TZOffset": 120,
"chgTime": "000300"
"lid": "A=1@O=Alt-Karow/Bahnhofstr. (Berlin)@X=13480179@Y=52609611@U=86@L=900143501@B=1@p=1629973497@",
"type": "S",
"name": "Alt-Karow/Bahnhofstr. (Berlin)",
"icoX": 1,
"extId": "900143501",
"state": "F",
"crd": {
"x": 13480520,
"y": 52609522,
"floor": 0
"pCls": 8,
"pRefL": [
"wt": 751,
"gidL": [
"TZOffset": 120,
"chgTime": "000300"
"lid": "A=1@O=Alt-Karow/Straße 74 (Berlin)@X=13484386@Y=52613845@U=86@L=900143500@B=1@p=1629973497@",
"type": "S",
"name": "Alt-Karow/Straße 74 (Berlin)",
"icoX": 1,
"extId": "900143500",
"state": "F",
"crd": {
"x": 13484386,
"y": 52613845,
"floor": 0
"pCls": 8,
"pRefL": [
"wt": 751,
"gidL": [
"TZOffset": 120,
"chgTime": "000300"
"lid": "A=1@O=S Karow Bhf (Berlin)@X=13470084@Y=52615751@U=86@L=900143001@B=1@p=1629973497@",
"type": "S",
"name": "S Karow Bhf (Berlin)",
"icoX": 1,
"extId": "900143001",
"state": "F",
"crd": {
"x": 13470084,
"y": 52615751,
"floor": 0
"pCls": 73,
"pRefL": [
"wt": 15313,
"gidL": [
"TZOffset": 120,
"chgTime": "000300"
"lid": "A=4@O=Berlin, Hotel Alt-Karow@X=13481662@Y=52609396@U=104@L=900980196@B=1@p=1629974866@",
"type": "P",
"name": "Berlin, Hotel Alt-Karow",
"icoX": 5,
"extId": "900980196",
"state": "F",
"crd": {
"x": 13481662,
"y": 52609396,
"floor": 0
"msgL": [
"type": "REM",
"remX": 0,
"sty": "I",
"cntL": [
"dspl": "U",
"tagL": [
"sort": 684195840
"type": "REM",
"remX": 1,
"sty": "I",
"cntL": [
"dspl": "U",
"tagL": [
"sort": 684195840
VBB remarks about the R777 on-demand bus:
dspl: "U",
fLocX: 0,
hint: {type: "hint", code: "qv", text: "Rufbus Bestellung unter Tel.: (03371) 62 81 81"},
sort: 402784256,
sty: "I",
tLocX: 1,
tagL: (2) ["SUM_CON_HDR_H3", "RES_JNY_DTL_H3"],
}, {
dspl: "U",
fLocX: 0,
hint: {type: "hint", code: "qw", text: "Bestellannahme: täglich von 5.00 - 17.00 Uhr"},
sort: 402784256,
sty: "I",
tLocX: 1,
tagL: (2) ["SUM_CON_HDR_H3", "RES_JNY_DTL_H3"],
}, {
dspl: "U",
fLocX: 0,
hint: {type: "hint", code: "qx", text: "Onlinebuchung unter: <a href="https://www.vtfonlin…lank"></a>"},
sort: 402784256,
sty: "I",
tLocX: 1,
tagL: (2) ["SUM_CON_HDR_H3", "RES_JNY_DTL_H3"],
}, {
fLocX: 0,
hint: {type: "hint", code: "qu", text: "VBB-Tarif zuzüglich des Komfortzuschlages 1,00 EUR je Fahrgast und Strecke"},
sort: 402915328,
sty: "I",
tLocX: 1,
tagL: ["RES_JNY_DTL_H3"],
}, {
fLocX: 0,
hint: {type: "hint", code: "hx", text: "Linientaxi max. 8 Personen"},
sort: 716963840,
sty: "I",
tLocX: 1,
tagL: ["RES_JNY_DTL"],
length: 6,
From the BVG endpoint:
type: 'status',
code: 'text.realtime.journey.additional.service',
text: 'Zusatzfahrt'
So far, I have these: