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Error fetching 'feeds/us-ri.json' #371

Closed transitous-bot closed 3 hours ago

transitous-bot commented 1 week ago

CC: @sjwhitak

An error occured while fetching a feed from feeds/us-ri.json. If the error is not temporary, please consider replacing or removing the feed. Thanks!

Here are the logs of the error(s): On 2024-06-16 01:30:41 UTC:

Postprocessing us-ri-RIPTA with gtfstidy…
Parsing GTFS feed in '/woodpecker/src/' ...
Error while parsing GTFS feed:
could not open required file agency.txt

You may want to try running gtfsclean with --fix for error fixing / skipping. See --help for details.
Error: Could not postprocess us-ri-RIPTA: Command '['gtfsclean', '/woodpecker/src/', '--check-null-coords', '--output', '/woodpecker/src/']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Fetching us-ri-RIPTA…
Error: 1 errors occurred during fetching.
mlundblad commented 1 week ago

@sjwhitak maybe adding "fix": true to this feed would help here?

sjwhitak commented 1 week ago

The static map just got updated yesterday: which may have caused some issues with Transitland updating the static vs real-time connection.

I'd like to be able to verify that it's temporary, but currently I'm failing to get nigiri to import under motis, so I'm not able to verify if this is temporary or not yet.

2024-06-16T23:52:35Z [VERIFY FAIL] some imports were not successful: ["nigiri"]

initialization error: some imports were not successful: ["nigiri"]

I'll have to figure this out.

jbruechert commented 1 week ago

Hey, can you attach the full log from MOTIS? I suspect the error is printed somewhere else. Ideally including the one in data/log/nigiri.txt.

@sjwhitak maybe adding "fix": true to this feed would help here?

Unfortunately probably not, could not open required file agency.txt sounds like the zip file either has the wrong structure or may not be a zip file at all.

EDIT: image

This is definitely not correct. It should be possible to add a small python script like to fix this, there are other cases of this issue as well.

sjwhitak commented 1 week ago

Here is the nigiri.txt log:

2024-06-17T00:15:34Z | [info][loader.hrd                    ], missing file for config hrd_5_00_8: rohdaten/stamm/attributd_int_int.101
2024-06-17T00:15:34Z | [info][loader.hrd                    ], missing file for config hrd_5_00_8: rohdaten/stamm/attributd_int.101
2024-06-17T00:15:34Z | [info][loader.hrd                    ], missing file for config hrd_5_20_26: rohdaten/stamm/attributd.txt
2024-06-17T00:15:34Z | [info][loader.hrd                    ], missing file for config hrd_5_20_39: ATTRIBUT_DE
2024-06-17T00:15:34Z | [info][loader.hrd                    ], missing file for config hrd_5_20_avv: attribut_de

EDIT: I didn't finish my message before accidentally clicking send.

Here is my config.ini:






With as the new GTFS folder.

jbruechert commented 1 week ago

from the log, MOTIS can't parse it as GTFS and tries to parse it as Hafas raw data. Should be caused by the structure issue I described above.

(The txt files should not be in a subfolder)

sjwhitak commented 1 week ago

Alright, I've emailed RIPTA asking to fix this. They responded within a few hours during business hours when asking if I could import their data into OSM, so it might be fixed fairly soon.

sjwhitak commented 1 day ago

@jbruechert: The GTFS has been updated, though I am seeing unknown stops all throughout. Would you happen to know how to handle that?


[info][2024-06-24T21:43:39Z+0000][] Starting GTFS-RT update: fetch URLs
[debg][2024-06-24T21:43:39Z+0000][logging.h:68] http request GET
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="130" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="56990" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="56995" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="57000" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="57005" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="57010" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="57025" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="29145" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="57030" not found
2024-06-24T21:43:39Z | [error][gtfsrt.stop_assignment        ] stop assignment: src=0, stop_id="57035" not found
[info][2024-06-24T21:43:39Z+0000][] us-ri-RIPTA: total_entities=175, total_entities_success=175 (100%)

Here is my config:






with, and vector tiles here.

EDIT: Seems to run fine, just getting stop errors, even though I see all the stops when running motis. I'm unsure what's going on there. image

jbruechert commented 1 day ago

That should be fine, maybe the gtfs-rt is not entirely correct and references stops that don't exist. Shouldn't be much of a problem though :)