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How to get a list of all trains at a station in a given time frame? #17

Closed plnms closed 1 year ago

plnms commented 1 year ago

For a personal project I'd like to get a list of all trains at a station in a certain time frame such as provided by and DBF. I can't use one of /stops/:id/arrivals or /stops/:id/departures, at least not with only one query, since AFAIK /stops/:id/departures misses the data of trains that end at the station queried and /stops/:id/arrivals misses the trains that start at this station. I tried to use /trips with a station ID and a time frame, but every request that I have tried has returned a 400.

Is there any easy way to achieve my goal? And could you maybe extend the documentation for /trips, because I really don't understand how to use this?

derhuerst commented 1 year ago

I assume you're referring to the I'm asking because this repo is an "umbrella" repo for multiple APIs.

For a personal project I'd like to get a list of all trains at a station in a certain time frame […]. I can't use one of /stops/:id/arrivals or /stops/:id/departures, at least not with only one query, since AFAIK /stops/:id/departures misses the data of trains that end at the station queried and /stops/:id/arrivals misses the trains that start at this station.

Indeed, you'd have fetch both sets of trains/trips and combine them. You can use the rel=next Link header exposed by the API to iterate over departures and/or arrivals:

curl '' -fsSL -I | grep link
# link: […] <?when=2023-02-14T10%3A53%2B01%3A00>; rel=next

I tried to use /trips with a station ID and a time frame, but every request that I have tried has returned a 400.

This is an unfortunate combination of two issues:

Is there any easy way to achieve my goal? And could you maybe extend the documentation for /trips, because I really don't understand how to use this?

I would like to, but as I said: I don't know either what its limitations are.

plnms commented 1 year ago

Excuse me for not specifying it but yes, I am referring to Also excuse me for the late reply. Your explanations are very helpful, thank you! The /trips endpoint / HAFAS's JourneyMatch really are behaving weirdly now that I know how to play with /trips. If I find out anything helpful I'll let you know.

One minor request: What do you think of adding an example request to both /trips and /locations/nearby in the documentation? They are the only endpoints not to have one, and I found these examples very helpful in the other documentation entries. When experimenting, it's easier to find mistakes in a request altered from one known to work than in an entirely made up one. A very simple example for /trips would be

– but feel free to use a better one. I haven't played around with the other endpoint.

plnms commented 1 year ago

Example using some more features, not using query:

This means "give me all trains meeting the following criteria":

This is actually pretty close to what I originally wanted to achieve. If cautiously used with additionally filtering out everything that's not a train (bus=false etc.) I can use it even for stations as big as Cologne central (8000207) without running into the fearsome TOO_MANY phenomenon.

derhuerst commented 1 year ago

Yes, please submit a PR with example URLs! Just add multiple, with a comment on each explaining what it does.

You'll have to adapt examples in api-docs.js; Then, please test your changes using npm run docs.

plnms commented 1 year ago

The more I'm playing around with this, the weirder it gets. I don't want to give unhelpful information, so expect this to take some time.

Also, I've never really used Node, but I'm happy to execute this one command if it's just that.

derhuerst commented 1 year ago

Also, I've never really used Node, but I'm happy to execute this one command if it's just that.

If it's about not "polluting" your system with a toolchain that you usually don't need, you can do it in Docker: docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/app node:18-alpine /bin/sh -c 'npm run docs'.

If it's about getting used to a new toolchain: Let me know if you encounter any issues! (Preferably, in the aforementioned PR.)

plnms commented 1 year ago

Well. Both. Excuse me if I'm stupid, but I can't execute this either way. The Docker command (with nom replaced by npm) returns that it can't find '//package.json', and a locally installed npm, when called with npm run docs, is apparently looking for a script called 'docs' which does not exist.

derhuerst commented 1 year ago

The Docker command (with nom replaced by npm) returns that it can't find //package.json.

True, the command specified can't work. docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/app -w /app node:18-alpine /bin/sh -c 'npm i && npm run docs' does for me.

a locally installed npm, when called with npm run docs, is apparently looking for a script called 'docs' which does not exist.

Did you run it inside the db-rest repo? All those commands refer to db-rest.

derhuerst commented 1 year ago

Summing this up:

Unfortunately, AFAICT, the very network-centric use case "give me all trips in a certain time frame connecting A and B" is not well-served by the underlying HAFAS API, as it has always been mainly user-/routing-centric. HAFAS' JourneyMatch is weird and fussy about possible inputs.

If you do find out more helpful information about it, please don't hesitate to comment in, so that others can benefit from this knowledge, too! It would also be great to add documentation about JourneyMatch to `hafts-client's API docs.

As a workaround, you can of course always use /stops/:id/departures & /stops/:id/arrivals, with the aforementioned limitations.

Please re-open this Issues if you have more related questions.