publiccodenet / jekyll-theme

A Foundation for Public Code jekyll theme for use with GitHub pages.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Add author info from data file #97

Closed Ainali closed 2 years ago

Ainali commented 2 years ago

This allows us to in the blog to get more metadata about authors in the feed. (We need to change that csv to yml though).

This change can be tested locally by adding the frontmatter

author: Jan Ainali

to one file (for example, then adding a folder named _data and add a file authors.yml in it. That file can have content like this:

Jan Ainali:
    name: Ainali
    twitter: Jan_Ainali

When serving the site, and viewing the file the addition was made to, the Author should be shown as "Ainali", not "Jan Ainali".

One can also check another page to make sure Author does not show up.