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Add "Contributing" to the homepage #135

Open lscheske opened 3 years ago

lscheske commented 3 years ago

We are an organization that aims to work entirely in the open, meaning that we welcome contributions to all of our repositories. This information is currently partially hidden under the "join us" link, which leads to the contributing file on About. The word contribute does not appear on our homepage.

The content is a mixture of information for individuals, public organizations, philanthropists. It does not specify the repos that can be contributed to.

We could solve this by adding a "contribution" section to teh homepage (same level & design as the other main categories), and describe the different ways people/orgs can contribute.

"Join us" could then become more of an invitation for members and/or people that want to work for us.

ElenaFdR commented 3 years ago

@angelplasma, let's talk about this soon?

ElenaFdR commented 3 years ago

As a very, very quick fix, we increased the size of the 'join us' link. I'm leaving the issue open because it's not meaningfully implemented.

ElenaFdR commented 3 years ago

Worth noting: other open source community websites avoid the ambiguity of the word 'contribute' (does it mean cash or something else?) by using strongly differentiated calls to action. For example: