publiclab / Leaflet.DistortableImage

A Leaflet extension to distort or "rubber sheet" images
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
265 stars 284 forks source link

Retrieving updated corners once events have occured #1335

Closed DLParkin closed 1 year ago

DLParkin commented 1 year ago

Enjoying playing with this tool but no code to show since it is more of a question.

I was hoping to be able to get the updated corners after an event occurs but can not seem to find any documentation on it and could not find an issue specific to this.

Has anyone been able to get the corners?

I did try layer._corners, layer.getCorners() but no results (layer been layer = L.distortableImageOverlay(foo... )

If it is not possible I will clone the library and add the code I need but it seems like something that should be available?

Seems possible to get from the leaflet map but feels a little messy and was after a clean solution.

Appreciate any thought/guidance.

Regards, David

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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DLParkin commented 1 year ago

So it seems if I add it to L.distortableCollection() I gain access to the corners no problem at all so all these options work
