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compilation of info on formaldehyde effects #123

Open jywarren opened 9 years ago

jywarren commented 9 years ago

Hi all - just want to try to resolve this phrase in the narrative text:

capable of inducing irritation

Gretchen points out, and I agree, that we need a place to collate and clearly present information on known symptoms and effects of exposure, that we can link to repeatedly from places like this sentence. Perhaps different formats like a list of peer reviewed articles, but also a less jargony "info sheet" for victims, and/or even an informative video, if any/all of these exist. Could @shapironick take a stab at compiling this?

shapironick commented 9 years ago

The US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) maintains toxicological profiles for a number of substances, including formaldehyde. The following chart (Figure 1) summarizes the scientific evidence on the health effects of varying concentrations of formaldehyde exposure as most recently updated by ATSDR in 2010. In their home environments, participants in the WWB study are most likely to be exposed at lower levels described in this chart (up to 0.6 ppm, or 600 ppb). This summary suggests that there is strong scientific evidence for formaldehyde having a range of human health effects at these lower levels of exposure: nasal and eye irritation, impaired short-term memory, change in pulmonary function, and exacerbation of asthma or allergies.

To these symptoms on which scientific consensus already exists, we add a number of candidate symptoms observed at higher levels of formaldehyde exposure (nausea, headaches, throat and skin irritation, cough, respiratory discomfort) and also those symptoms reported to WWB lead researcher Nick Shapiro during his fieldwork with individuals living in FEMA-distributed trailers after Hurricane Katrina (insomnia,nightmares, digestive trouble, and changes in sense of smell or taste).

shapironick commented 9 years ago

formaldehyde symptoms

gretchengehrke commented 9 years ago

Consumer Product Safety Commission booklet:

Current common sources of formaldehyde in the home: wood floor finishes, pressed-wood products, wallpaper and paints, combustion and oxidation of other hydrocarbons (including cigarettes, oil, natural gas, and emissions from laser printers and photocopiers).

Symptoms may include: burning and itching eyes and throat, runny nose or blocked sinuses, chest tightness, wheezing, asthma, rashes, headaches, nausea, insomnia, and mood changes.

jywarren commented 9 years ago

Looking for a draft at

@shapironick also mentioned that he will post the Hal Levin (sp?) piece, critical of phytoremediation

novakn commented 9 years ago

I've pasted in the bibliography and the text from my lit review--I incorporated some of the text Gretchen added as well.

jywarren commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Nicole!

Copying this in from the google doc:

Nick S: I wonder if there could be a statement on the limitations of our knowledge that simultaneously notes that is could be a much more widespread issue than this: it is very possible that it is causing health impacts beyond these known problem areas but such studies haven't been conducted

Mathew Lippincott: "we don't know the long-term health impacts beyond this irritation..." is that true?

Nick Shapiro: in the home at least. All the studies i've seen have been occupational. they are very different duration of exposure. cancer is a known long term low level outcome but that doesn't come from residential studies either. so that's why i worded the thing above like i did

Jeffrey Warren: If there could be a section in the exposure wiki page about this, I could structure some language around it