Open SilverLPs opened 2 months ago
Oh, and I should add, I have xsettingsd installed, however systemd isn't able to find it. But I dont think my issue is related to the other case, as it does load on REAPER and Carla standalone.
UPDATE: Now I loaded the Factory Samplebank and the expansions into it (with Carla) and all of a sudden it does open and work correctly in Bitwig. So it looks like the issue occurs when there is no Samplebank configured in the plugin.
Doesn't load on Bitwig 5.1.9 with Kubuntu 24.04 but it DOES work correctly with REAPER or Carlas Standalone. Interestingly it also doesn't load with the plugin version of Carla, when Carla is loaded in Bitwig.
Bitwig reports the following in CLI: com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.exception.CouldNotReadMetadataException: could not read metadata: Unknown file type for file /home/adl_silver/.vst3/Modular Samples Quetzalcoatl at KyH.ysk(SourceFile:40) at KyH.CgR(SourceFile:14) at eVS.ZxU(SourceFile:401) at at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at java.base/ Source) Caused by: com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.exception.CouldNotReadMetadataException: could not read metadata: Unknown file type for file /home/adl_silver/.vst3/Modular Samples Quetzalcoatl at com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.TRi.cbA(SourceFile:58) at com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.aQH.ysk(SourceFile:44) at com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.aQH.cbA(SourceFile:20) at com.bitwig.flt.library.metadata.reader.dXV.cbA(SourceFile:22) at KyH.ysk(SourceFile:36) ... 7 more
If loaded into Carlas plugin version in Bitwig, Carla will also report, that it can't get metadata from the plugin and refuses to open it, just like Bitwig. So there is no "crash" because it doesn't even open in the first place. However, Bitwig doesn't report any errors when scanning the plugin, it only happens, when Bitwig (or Carla in Bitwig) tries to load the plugin.
It tried it with an older expanded version I bought (0.6.5) and the newest github version (0.7.1) of the plugin.