publishing-bitbytebit / PlainTxtPodcast

Concerned with accessibility & engagement, from design to development, the #PlainTxtPodcast fosters a multimodal experience. By pairing transparent documentation w/ attributable collaboration, plain.txt delivers a digital humanitarian approach to podcasting.
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Design Briefs #17

Open RJP43 opened 5 years ago

RJP43 commented 5 years ago

DH 501 Assignment

A design brief is a short document (from a paragraph to a page) that articulates a problem and a general approach to addressing the problem (it sets the scope of the problem and the solution). In articulating the problem, the design brief highlights the facts of an issue that are most relevant.

Research Question:




RJP43 commented 5 years ago

Research Questions

  1. What makes the podcast, as a digital tool or medium, effective at promoting the habituation of knowledge sharing and consumption?

Thoughts when forming this question: As a form of entertainment, podcasts have succeeded in a lot of ways to bring in massive audiences that respond well to interface jumping and regular engagement. The choose-your-commitment structure that allots for simple streaming to multi-platform social media following allows podcasts, among few other mediums of our digital age (perhaps video/TV/movie streaming as the only other), the capabilities to form our most habituated and wide-reaching communities of knowledge-sharing.

  1. How could a mission of universal access at the forefront of a podcast's production strengthen the habituation of knowledge sharing and consumption?

Thoughts when forming this question: The above questions refer to universal access and knowledge sharing which might have a variety of meanings pending on the reader; thus, warranting a few clarifications. Universal access, as used above, aligns with the plain.txt podcast's continuous efforts of universal design (a.k.a. design for all) and digital accessibility development of all forms of our content. Additionally, universal access, as used above, means ensuring a wide-reach of engagement by making the content in every iteration public and multi-platform present. Knowledge sharing, as used above, aligns with the plain.txt podcast's promotion of accessible information and feedback loops that blur the lines of learning as student becomes teacher and vice-versa. Community building around knowledge sharing means existing in an active, ever-changing symbiosis with others not just for the purpose of sustaining but also growing (whether individually or as a group|society).

RJP43 commented 5 years ago


Anyone interested in "the Digital Humanities", new podcasts or podcasts themed around human|societal interaction(s) with technology, spoken-word enthusiasts, and future employers.

Detailed personas available soon.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago


Produce a podcast in public space (GitHub and social media) promoting the distribution of the underlying technology and content while implementing universal design in all efforts of development, promotion, and distribution. Conduct research on human habituation of technology and reflect on personal habituation of such knowledge building as well as observed community knowledge sharing.

RJP43 commented 5 years ago


Must-Haves (critical to the project)

Should-Haves (important but not necessary)

Could-Haves (desirable but not necessary)

Won’t Haves (future “wish list”)