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Discussion Questions for May 7 #2

Open jeffreybarry opened 5 years ago

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Respond with your discussion questions for May 7th.

brueggemanw21 commented 5 years ago
  1. As discussed in both videos graphic designers are given lots of artistic freedom while creating book covers for authors, often based off of their interpretations of the text. Does this take away from the authors vision of the book, or do the authors feel that it gives a broader and deeper perspective into their works?

  2. Chip Kidd focuses on the difference between clarity and mystery, many of his books covers such as the one for Haruki Murakami are quite complex and imbedding in the stories details. Couldn't this be considered mysterious for some and clear for others? How do designers make sure they can be clear to all audiences?

daytonconklin commented 5 years ago
  1. Chip Kidd discusses two features he uses in his designs- clarity and mystery. Which design style would make more sense to have for our own eBook covers and why?

  2. The Inside Random House video talks about how they go about designing book covers. How much does the designer consult with the author of the book when making the cover? How much artistic freedom are they given from the author?

duganb21 commented 5 years ago

Chip Kidd's Ted talk discusses the importance of clarity and mystery along with their shortcomings. Is one more valuable than the other?

When an author works with a graphic designer is it a challenge to stay consistent with the author's vision of the book? there must be many instances where the author and design team clash.

robwarren100 commented 5 years ago

Regarding the Chip Kidd Ted Talk, what is the line between clarity and mystery that engages an audience?

Regarding the Inside Random House video, how much direct influence do authors have in their cover, besides the text itself?

govanc22 commented 5 years ago

In Chip Kidd's Ted Talk he discusses the topics clarity and mystery in design. Would it be more beneficial to a reader to have a clear design that the reader can both comprehend and enjoy?

According to some of the Random House designers, it is very important to not show full characters on the cover. Why is this so important to them?

richsurdy3 commented 5 years ago

From Chip Kidd's Ted Talk, how do you find the proper way to 'interpret' the text for a cover design?

eBooks give us ease, convenience, and portability, but will they cause us to lose the artistic integrity of real books and their covers in the future?

huthj21 commented 5 years ago
  1. Regarding Chip Kidd's Ted Talk, how closely should the designer work with the author of the book to come up with a cover design? How important are the author's ideas?

  2. Do you think cover designs will always be a part of books, or will there eventually be a new version of ebook that gets rid of them?

fonviellem21 commented 5 years ago

In the "The Art of Cover Design" video, the different publishers talk a lot about what makes a perfect cover, but what is the number one thing that goes wrong for cover pages?

If an author is determined to show the full image of a character on the cover page how do publishers and authors work this out?

mitchellc21 commented 5 years ago
  1. How important is the design of book covers in relation to ebooks? How do we make it so that the covers of ebooks carry the same weight that traditional book covers carry?

  2. Many of Chip Kidd's covers are inspired by random images and sights from his everyday life. How can we get the same exposure to a variety of images and implement these to our ebooks?

barrettdowd commented 5 years ago

The art of the cover design why doesn’t that extend into the inside of the book with the fonts and other sorts of visual expression?

Listening to Chipp Kid’s Ted Talk and being on the design team, what is the best method to balance the clarity , mystery, and ensuring that they being used in useful manner?

raula21 commented 5 years ago
  1. "The Art of Cover Design" video emphasizes the importance of a book's cover or jacket, as the ebook industry grows will there be less emphasis on the cover because the reader isn't actually holding the book or walking through a store?

  2. Chipp Kd talks about the importance of first impressions, will covers of ebooks ever become gif like or animated in a way that can provide more mystery or clarity?

colemanlucas commented 5 years ago
  1. Chip Kidd discussed the difference in clarity versus mystery when designing a cover. Do you personally prefer covers using clarity or mystery?

  2. How important is the cover to you? Does the cover influence which book you choose to read?

halfant99 commented 5 years ago
  1. To what extent does the success of the cover of an ebook depend on the clarity and mystery of the cover?
  2. How can the effectiveness of the cover of an ebook lead to an increase in the number of ebooks sold?