publishpress / PublishPress-Blocks

PublishPress Blocks adds the missing blocks and configuration you need to build professional websites. Take the control of the new Gutenberg editor with user edition profile configuration and 20+ new blocks and options.
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Upgrade to PHP 7.2 minimum #1251

Closed stevejburge closed 1 year ago

stevejburge commented 1 year ago

This can be done editing composer.json .

In the “require” property, make sure to update (or add)"psr/container": "1.1.1", to "psr/container": "2.0.0", "php": ">=5.4", to "php": ">=7.2", Then run composer update and double check if vendor/composer/platform_check.php has this line, and not higher PHP versions required. PHP 7.2 is the one we should go for now.

Afterwards, let's check that the plugin quietly deactivates on PHP 5.6

We have a standard way for checking PHP 5: