publishpress / publishpress-series

A WordPress plugin for managing the article series you write.
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Naming convention clash #742

Open rizaardiyanto1412 opened 1 year ago

rizaardiyanto1412 commented 1 year ago

Original discussion:

Based on Ola

Checking the code now, I can see there’s series_group taxonomy and there’s series_grouping post type It was series_group taxonomy label that was changed to Series Category

The plugin is using series_grouping post type in background and if you check where we registered the post type in, it was registered as a private post type(user doesn’t need any interaction with it or have reasons to) as it’s not meant to be use by admin but for series_group(Series Category) usage and it doesn’t have to make sense to him. All he had to do is ignore it and no reason to have confusion over it.

It’s a post type been used in conjuction with series_group(Series Category) taxonomy. Check and it description reads ‘Used for associating Series with series categories’

The two, post type and taxonomy are legacy code we inherit and from my quick look into the code now, the purpose for registering the post type is to enable us register the series_grouping taxonomy as we need to associate it to a post type by default and that’s why we registered series_group post type.

galbaras commented 1 year ago

The point is that this post type is also associated with the category taxonomy, and this creates confusing in the Rank Math settings, and possibly elsewhere.

Also, since a series is a dimension of posts, isn't it simpler just to make it a taxonomy and link it to posts?