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Signal event required text params and docs updates #387

Closed roman-rr closed 3 months ago

roman-rr commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to send signal as its in docs

  message: "typing:start",
  channel: "channel_name"

Then I have successful status on callback, but even't didn't received in any event listener under channel channel_name subscriptions.

When I send it like so:

  message: {text: "typing:start"},
  channel: "channel_name"

Event's successfully received on event listeners.

Is it bug or missing ?

"pubnub" : "8.2.4"

parfeon commented 3 months ago

Thank you for reaching us with issue report. We've prepared a fix for it, which will be released on Thursday.

roman-rr commented 3 months ago

Thank you for reaching us with issue report. We've prepared a fix for it, which will be released on Thursday.

Thank for swift reply. Should I update payload with text, or waiting for the fix?

parfeon commented 3 months ago

It depends on from your needs. If by your application design you need strings, then I would suggest waiting a bit for release.

pubnub-release-bot commented 3 months ago

@roman-rr this issue is addressed in v8.2.5