pubnub / swift

PubNub native Swift SDK for iOS, MacOS, WatchOS, TvOS
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Add membership type support #194

Open jguz-pubnub opened 1 week ago

jguz-pubnub commented 1 week ago

feat(membership): add support for the type field

feat(app-context): deprecate methods containing uuid parameter, introduce new versions

feat(app-context): deprecate methods containing include parameter of Bool type, introduce new versions

feat(app-context): deprecate remove(channel:custom:completion:), introduce new version

feat(app-context): replace PubNubUUIDMetadata with PubNubUserMetadata

feat(app-context): replace PubNubUUIDMetadataBase with PubNubUserMetadataBase

feat(app-context): add an alias for backward compatibility with the customer code using PubNubUUIDMetadata

feat(app-context): add an alias for backward compatibility with the customer code using PubNubUUIDMetadataBase

feat(listeners): replace PubNubUUIDMetadataChangeset with PubNubUserMetadataChangeset

feat(listeners): add an alias for backward compatibility with the customer code using PubNubUUIDMetadataChangeset