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Jtl partially captured #358

Open Sugtham opened 5 years ago

Sugtham commented 5 years ago

15.Vlassi M, Gazouli M, Paltoglou G, et al. The rs10830963 variant of melatonin receptor MTNR1B is associated with increased risk for gestational diabetes mellitus in a Greek population. Hormones (Athens). 2012;11(1):70–76. PMID: 22450346. doi:10.1007/BF03401539

Expectation : <jtl>Hormones (Athens)</jtl>

Sugtham commented 5 years ago

[23] R. Shukla, N. Chanda, A. Zambre, A. Upendran, K. Katti, R.R. Kulkarni, S.K. Nune, S.W. Casteel, C.J. Smith, J. Vimal, E. Boote, J.D. Robertson, P. Kan, H. Engelbrecht, L.D. Watkinson, T.L. Carmack, J.R. Lever, C.S. Cutler, C. Caldwell, R. Kannan, K.V. Katti, Laminin receptor specific therapeutic gold nanoparticles (198AuNP-EGCg) show efficacy in treating prostate cancer, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109(31) (2012) 12426-31.

Expectation : <jtl>Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A</jtl>