pubref / rules_maven

Transitive maven dependencies with Bazel.
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Usage example #11

Closed promiseofcake closed 7 years ago

promiseofcake commented 7 years ago

Forgive me is this is apparent, but how does one generate the WORKSPACE output as described in 2a?

Here is a sample repo (using example from the

How do I convert the guice dependency:

  name = "guice",
  deps = [


  name = 'guice',
  deps = [
  transitive_deps = [

It seems to differ from the rules_protobuf paradigms in that I am not specifying a specific skylark macro such as java_proto_library in my BUILD file which can then be triggered.

pcj commented 7 years ago

Hey @promiseofcake thanks for asking. So, when you initially write the rule, you don't manually type in the transitive_deps yourself, you just type in the roots for the transitive search (in this example just

What will happen is that a new external workspace will be generated as @guice (the name of the maven_repository rule) with a new file called rules.bzl. That file contains generated maven_jar definitions for all the transitive dependencies. It also contains a guice_${configuration} rule that loads the transitive maven jars foreach gradle "configuration". The most common configuration is "compile", but there are a bunch of other ones.

In the next line of your WORKSPACE, tell bazel to load that file for the configuration you want, and then invoke it.

load("@guice//:rules.bzl", "guice_compile")

The second file that is generated is @guice//:BUILD. This contains generated java_library, java_import rules (which aggregate the transitive set of jars) that you actually depend on in your own java_library or java_binary rules. So, to actually use that set, depend on it:

   name = "foo",
   srcs = [...],
   deps = ["@guice//:compile"] # name of configuration matches the one you loaded

Since bazel is super lazy, nothing happens until you do something that actually requires the upstream deps to get evaluated. So when you bazel build src/main/java:foo, bazel will go back and actually generate the @guice workspace etc.

When that occurs, rules_maven compares the maven_repository rule you wrote to the one where all the transitive deps are included. If there is a discrepancy, it will print out the "closed-form" rule with all the transitive_deps listed for you.

You then have to manually copy-paste the text from your terminal back into your WORKSPACE file. Assuming there is congruence of expected / actual values of the transitive_deps, the rule will be silent and no output will be printed to the console. (this is the paragraph that actually answers your question).

Hope that made sense! Maybe I should put together a short video on how to do it.

pcj commented 7 years ago

FYI this two-stage loading pattern is similar to how it works in bazelbuild/rules_python.

They may have explained it better, so if you understand one you understand both. cc @mattmoor

mattmoor commented 7 years ago

@davidstanke FYI

promiseofcake commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the thorough explanation, I was able to get that working!

pcj commented 7 years ago

Good to hear it. FYI it's always useful to inspect the generated files:

$ less $(bazel info output_base)/external/guice/rules.bzl
$ less $(bazel info output_base)/external/guice/BUILD
$ less $(bazel info output_base)/external/guice/build.gradle

And a way to see all the available external workspaces:

$ bazel query //external:*