pucelle / vscode-css-navigation

Allowing Go to definition from HTML to CSS, or Find References from CSS to HTML.
MIT License
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Feature request: Respect .gitignore files #4

Closed FDiskas closed 5 years ago

FDiskas commented 5 years ago

Thanks for cool plugin. Just noticed, that plugin includes css files that are ignored in git. Thous css files are compiled from scss.

pucelle commented 5 years ago

Hi, DFiskas, Thanks for your concern.

I checked the files in directory but I can't find the CSS files you said. Do you mean this: https://github.com/pucelle/vscode-css-navigation/blob/master/client/test/fixture/css/test.css

If so, This CSS file was just for E2E test, although it was compiled from Scss file, it's also useful: https://github.com/pucelle/vscode-css-navigation/blob/master/client/test/src/file-tracking.test.ts#L53

It was used to test the ignoreSameNameCSSFile option, which can help to search in CSS file when Sass file with same name and in same directory is not exist.

If what you would to say is not so, please provide more information.


FDiskas commented 5 years ago

I mean that plugin by it's self scans for files and also is scaning ignored by gitignore

pucelle commented 5 years ago

OK, I understand now, sorry to misunderstand you. That's a very good idea, I will implement this in one or two days.

pucelle commented 5 years ago

Hi, FDiskas, V1.3.0 was just released and should fixed this issue, please check it, Thanks. Otherwise sorry for misunderstand you because English is not my mother language, I'm still learning it.

FDiskas commented 5 years ago

My English also not good, and it's not my native language to. :)

pucelle commented 5 years ago


FDiskas commented 5 years ago


FDiskas commented 5 years ago

Did you tried some libraries? I wonder there is some cases where multiple gitignore files are located in different folders. This could help you https://www.npmjs.com/package/deglob

pucelle commented 5 years ago

Yes, You do find where the problems is! Recently I only respect (I just learned this world from you😃) the .gitignore from the root directory. I will work on it later soon. Thanks very much.

pucelle commented 5 years ago

Hi, FDiskas, I researched a little on the code of deglob and found it only supports .gitignore in the root directory too. I'm Sorry that I will not handle multiple .gitignore files before I got more feedbacks and user cases. Otherwise Thanks for the suggestion.