pucherot / Pi.Alert

WIFI / LAN intruder detector. Check the devices connected and alert you with unknown devices. It also warns of the disconnection of "always connected" devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.09k stars 129 forks source link

Use the Router DHCP information - why is not possible? #189

Open titust1 opened 2 years ago

titust1 commented 2 years ago

All my devices are using DHCP with reservation in the Router, so in fact they are using static addresses. The DHCP router also contains hostnames for all devices. This information is read by Pi-Hole due to the conditional forwarding, and Pi-hole is able to display the device hostnames. Why Pi-Alert is not able to do the same? Or at least to be able to import the device list in csv format that I exported form the router. It's a pain to manually populate the Pi Alert when this info is already there, and it was already entered

harr2969 commented 1 year ago

Most routers would have a different way of storing the information, meaning the approach to getting that would not be universal. Also, most consumer routers are not open to connections that would allow getting this information easily, and that goes double when the customer is renting a router from their ISP. Just my .02c.

iGadget commented 1 year ago

Most routers would have a different way of storing the information, meaning the approach to getting that would not be universal. Also, most consumer routers are not open to connections that would allow getting this information easily, and that goes double when the customer is renting a router from their ISP. Just my .02c.

Fair enough that getting this info straight from the router would perhaps be a challenge, but Pi-Hole is (in most cases) able to do it. So why not use their heavy lifting and sync the info from Pi-Hole?

jokob-sk commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, afaik this is already how it works. Not sure what more to get from PiHole.