puckzxz / NotAnotherAnimeTheme

A easily customizable and automatically updating theme for Discord
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Extend Shiki Codeblocks to file previews #200

Closed RivenSkaye closed 1 year ago

RivenSkaye commented 1 year ago

Currently the Shiki Codeblocks plugin only affects code typed in fences. For inline code this isn't an issue as it allows for styling it to fit within a theme. But file previews are being rendered with whatever default Discord uses and that's plain ugly (something Shiki solves)

Shiki code block with custom TiffColors theme selected: image

File preview in Discord Downbad image image

If this would be a lot of effort, that's fine. But I couldn't find an existing issue for it and it would be very nice to have

RivenSkaye commented 1 year ago

Whoops, wrong repo. I have a couple open because I'm doing some theme stuff, sorry