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Mock a path in spec file[routerLink, routerLinkActive] #45

Open puddlejumper26 opened 4 years ago

puddlejumper26 commented 4 years ago

Here we need to mock a path,

Purpose of testing

When the link is clicked, extra css style should be added, The link itself is imbed with *ngFor


 <a *ngFor="let item of clickItems"
                [routerLinkActive]="['extra-style']">{{ item.name }}</a>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

@Component({                             ====> this is the decorator,
    template: '',                        ====>  with the following class, is a complete Dummy Comoponent
class DummyComponent {           

describe('SampleComponent', ( ) => { 
     let component: SampleComponent;
     let fixture: ComponentFixture<SampleComponent>;

     beforeEach(async ( () => {
            declarations: [DummyComponent, SampleComponent],   ====> needs to be declared, otherwise could not be used
            imports: [
                RouterTestingModule.withRoutes([         ====> to mock the Routes
                        component: DummyComponent,      ====> need to be with a component, that's why we need to create the DummyComponent
                        path: 'path1',
                        component: DummyComponent,
                        path: 'path2',

     beforeEach(() => {
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SampleComponent);
        component = fixture.componentInstance;

    it(' ....', async ( ) => {
          component.clickItems = [        ====> this part is only the mock of [routerLink]="item.path"
                name: 'name1',
                path: 'path1',
                name: 'name2',
                path: 'path2',


        const link1Element = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[href="/path1"]')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;
        const link2Element = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('[href="/path2"]')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;


        fixture.whenStable().then(() => {

           link2Element.click();           =====> notice the link2Element test is inside the link1Element
           fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
               done();            ====> done needs to be added

notice the link2Element test is inside the link1Element, thus during the excution, only the most inner part (link2Element) get passed, here with done ( ) conditions, then it will move the the level above (lin1Element), here we have only two layers, if there is three levels, the same theory.