pudo / dataset

Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores with support for implicit table creation, bulk loading, and transactions.
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Implement database-side upsert #317

Open pudo opened 4 years ago

pudo commented 4 years ago

Some backends, most notably PostgreSQL, support an upsert operation inside the database backend (i.e. INSERT ... ON CONFLICT UPDATE ...). We should explore if we can automatically switch to using this for datasets application-level upsert command when available.

(@mynameisfiber maybe this could be part of accelerating your project?)

Remalloc commented 4 years ago

Hi, pudo. I'm trying to implement this function. I create a decorator to decorate method which want to use low level api, like this:

# others import
from functools import wraps
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert as pg_insert
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert as mysql_insert

def low_level_api(func_):
    def upsert(*args, **kwargs):
        self, row, keys = args[0], args[1], args[2]
        if not self.has_index(keys, is_unique=True):
            return func_(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.db.is_postgres:
            do_update_stmt = pg_insert(self.table).values(**row).on_conflict_do_update(
                index_elements=keys, set_=row
            return self.db.executable.execute(do_update_stmt).rowcount == 1
        elif self.db.is_mysql:
            keys_map = {k: row[k] for k in keys}
            do_update_stmt = mysql_insert(self.table).values(**row).on_duplicate_key_update(**keys_map)
            return self.db.executable.execute(do_update_stmt).rowcount == 1
            return func_(*args, **kwargs)

    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        self = args[0]
        if not self._use_low_level_api:
            return func_(*args, **kwargs)
        if func_.__name__ == "upsert":
            return upsert(*args, **kwargs)
        return func_(*args, **kwargs)

    return inner

class Table(object):
    """Represents a table in a database and exposes common operations."""


    def __init__(
    # others
    self._use_low_level_api = use_low_level_api
    self._unique_indexes = []

    def has_index(self, columns, is_unique=False):
        """Check if an index exists to cover the given ``columns``."""
        if not self.exists:
            return False
        columns = set([self._get_column_name(c) for c in columns])
        if columns in self._indexes:
            if is_unique:
                return columns in self._unique_indexes
            return True
        for column in columns:
            if not self.has_column(column):
                return False
        pk_columns = self.db.inspect.get_pk_constraint(self.name, schema=self.db.schema)["constrained_columns"]
        if is_unique and columns == pk_columns:
            return True
        indexes = self.db.inspect.get_indexes(self.name, schema=self.db.schema)
        for index in indexes:
            if columns == set(index.get("column_names", [])):
                if index["unique"]:
                    return True if is_unique else False
                    return False if is_unique else True
        return False

    def upsert(self, row, keys, ensure=None, types=None):

There are some diffrent points with original upsert method:

Is that a good idea? What do you think about? @pudo

pudo commented 4 years ago

Hey @Remalloc - did you see https://github.com/pudo/dataset/pull/335 ? The unique constraint is what's stalled this. I do not think that we should be creating unique constraints dynamically when a user calls .upsert(), that's breaking its semantics. So I now think that this in fact a new method, which would create the unique index if needed and then run the low-level API. The method would just not work on sqlite, or call upsert internally.

Remalloc commented 4 years ago

Oh, sorry. I didn't notice that PR. I agree with you, upsert method shouldn't create unique constraints dynamically. Can we only check unique constraints and automatic decide to use the low-level API if that existed. Perhaps, we can add a new upsert parameter to control whether to use the low-level API and create unique constraints. That's a good way? @pudo